Why is cat allowed to roam?
Dear Editor:
I am writing in response to the article in the Thursday April 18 edition of your paper about the pet owner Geralyn Lyons whose cat someone shot with an arrow. I am sorry for the loss of your pet Pepe.
I understand her love for her pet, but the way I look at it, if she loved her cat as much as she says she does, whey does she let it roam the streets of Weissport without being on a leash or supervised. Also why would she let Pepe or any other pet out on their own, with the possibility of this happening again or being hit by a car.
It also concerns me that cats are also hunters. They hunt baby rabbits and birds. I see this all the time in my neighborhood. I don't like coming out into my yard and finding bird feathers laying there.
If she loves her other pets as much as she says, make sure they do not run loose on the streets of her neighborhood.
Also if she would do her part as a good pet owner and keep her pets under control maybe her neighbors will also enjoy her pets almost as much as she does.
R.I. Christman
Jim Thorpe