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Changes needed

Published May 04. 2013 09:01AM

Dear Editor:

I am a member Of Lansford council. Several months ago myself and my croonies were accused of holding up the budget. Now let's see where we are today. The monthly meetings are to start with the approval of last month's meeting. Doesn't happen, no minutes. Minutes are needed for audits that were last done for year 2010. Bills to be paid partial list. Budget vs. Actual finally received one but was incorrect. The chair said this is a starting point. WHAT? Check registry, unheard of. What is the status of the sewage transmission fund? Last year cronnie Bob Silver worked countless hours on this fund. Sanitation account is owed over $100,00 in nonpayments. I offered to send letters out on a Saturday. Get a form letter with three blanks, name, account number and amount. I was told you don't know anything about office work, you are a truck driver that hauls trash.

I also serve on muncipal administation committee. We have not had a meeting since last year. I showed up for them but nobody else was there. The last committee we had at the regular meeting a vote to give an employee a raise,but never discussed at a committee meeting.

The previous auditor asked what is the repayment plan for the sewage transmission fund? This is what myself and a croonie have asked.,otherwise we feel it is misappropriation of funds.

The Parks and Recreation have their own checking account.Under state law all payments are to go through the office. I have asked to see financial record for parks I have not seen any.

What ever happened about the infamous 2009 BID RIGGING.

There are questions about ethical violations at meeting.

The biggest part of the budget is the police around $750,000. For three years plus an officer was constanly late. In fact last summer four hours late, while another got four hours of overtime no reprimand. I observed officers coming in late and back tracking their timesheets. Another officer was working in a T shirt,came in late no reprimand. In fact a member of council has accused me of stalking the police by lying in the woods I should sue her, but I would have to sue the borough.

Recently on two paid holidays a fulltime officer was brought in 12 hours each day. Very costly.There need to be changes in this department, cut cover shifts. The Mayor should be doing the schedule not a patrolman. During a snowstorm I went around town and and I observed where the plow had to go around vehicles,no tickets. In fact one vehicle expired registration, expired inspection,no tickets. We do have a lot of fine officers, but the leadership has to wake up. In the real world these leaders would be left go for not performing there duties.

A member of council wants me removed from public safety because I see problems and bring them to light. That is what I was elected to do. Remove me from all committees, you will not silence me.

I read about the past like Quakertown or Summitt Hill, not much changes.

I feel people have the right to know what isn't going on in Lansford. This is the same council that sees what the water authority members receive as OK.

Tommy J. Vadyak


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