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Personal choice

Published May 04. 2013 09:02AM

Dear Editor:

Vladimir Lenin founded the USSR prior to World War One. He is arguably one of the most evil people in the world, starving peasant farmers to take their private land for a collective state food supply. This atrocity was legal there to do that then over in their country. The end goal of the state utopia of group plenty justified the reducton of the individual. Jesus of Nazareth was an economist too. But this first century Rabbi remains a stark contrast to this communist dictator as the best person in history. I base this on millions of transformed lives and good influence continuing. Good from within by personal choice is superior to top down control. The freedom to choose for yourself is of itself a moral issue of the nature of a civil right. When the government thinks itself God-wise in replacement of people in discretionary choice making social dilemmas increase. A form of this attempt is called altuism.

Altuism is soft communism. It was developed to soften a good ethic of benevolence and charity in America by people who earned the money in a category called disposable income. Altuism justifies an elite group of people controlling how money is dispensed rather than the people who earn the money dispensing it as they see fit. In contrast there is theft by tax for projects from politicians. These con artists get acclaim for doing good work with our money as a reelection scheeme. It undermines the heritage of a Christian Republic.

A modern example of this is in the County Recorder of Deeds office. A percentage is taken from the sale of a house to go to renovations for someone who is not paying for it. It is a program for others that I would not have agreed to if I had been given a choice to exercise as a seller of real estate from several properties. Up to twelve thousnd dollars for twelve lucky low income home owners with a list of two hundred waiting. It's not free money. I wish I had it to fix up my properties! I qualify for the program but I am not participating in it. If I had that 12 grand laying around I might invest in some gold or put more in the offering plate at church to be used by deacons. But I do not have it because of tax theft from intrusive legislators operating outside the scope of their charter. It is no longer a tangible asset I own or control. Nor was I given any credit for tax write off elsewhere to compensate. Elected do gooders are not doing good with giving a helping hand due to purse-snatching government style. This behavior opens the door to larger meaner taxes. fees .and agendas.

Despite them stealing in office I am still accountable for myself and my family. Even though I find life circumstances unjust and frustrating I am counseled by the strategy of poet Robert Frost when he writes, "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and I took The Road Less Traveled, and that has made all the difference." Being simple, separate and deliberate here is constructive to a wholesome goals. While that is not a recipe for upstart tyrants, it may yield more social dissidents.

Robert Dages

Jim Thorpe

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