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Help the homeless veteran

Published June 08. 2013 09:03AM

Dear Editor,

It is sad when no help is available. The VFW and American Legion should be in an up roar. People should care that Lee, N.H. does not want Homeless US Military Veterans in their neighborhood because it will devalue surrounding property values.

It is a shame that this will end up in court taking time and money away from helping homeless US Military Veterans.

Everyone says that they respect and want to help the US Military Veteran but to actually speak up or risk character assignation by others in public: silence is the protocol when it involves the Lee Elite that's neighborhood may be encroached on.

This is actually how the homeless US Military Veteran feels that we do not belong. Imagine that if the shoe fits one should wear it.

The news media alone boycotts letters to the editor on this subject because it will make politicians that spoke at Memorial Day services look actually as the glory hounds that they are. Politicians are all for saying they want to help homeless US Military Veterans but only do if it can make them look good in the public eye.

I have the greatest respect for people like the Lee Building inspector Allan Dennis and Mrs. Rossi that works with him. Day in and day out they have to put up with deranged subjects like me. It cannot be easy.

They are doing a job that no one wants and they are following the book. It may be the wrong book and that is what the courts are for. Imagine all the homeless veterans that I could be helping right now if I just built and then surprised them. That would have been possible because what I want to build is perfectly legal and conforms to local zoning.

It is that "Homeless" are not protocol for such an elite neighbor hood that a selectmen and planning board member live on. The Town of Lee, N.H. is not saying that I cannot build on this property.

The town of Lee, N.H. is running up the cost to make it highly likely that time and money will kill any chance this will happen in my lifetime.

Allan at the meeting stated many times that the state and Lee ordinance do not recognize Compost Toilets so they cannot be used. I stated court cases and the law and as the Chairman of the ZBA stated for the record "we do not understand these laws and court decisions so we will ignore them."

It may be strange but the compost toilets are my belief that it will help the homeless because of the simulation of the "Crapper" so common where we were. This is a simple tool to try to make a bad situation better: legal under the American with Disabilities Act and RLUIPA.

Newspaper silence and politician's not seeing self-imagine gains make it sad as no help can save us. May some day the homeless veteran find a place.

Peter Macdonald Sgt USMC Semper Fi

101 Steppingstone Rd.

Lee, N.H. 03824

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