Jim Thorpe news
Bible School
St. John's Lutheran Church, South Avenue, will host this year's ecumenical Vacation Bible School. It will be held from June 24-28, 6-8:30 p.m. The theme this year is "Tell It On The Mountain." School is open to all denominations from preschool through sixth grades. If you wish to register your children contact Melanie Schafer, (570) 325-3391 or email melschafer17@hotmail.com
Class of 1964
This month's gathering for members of the 1964 graduating class of Jim Thorpe, will be held at the Mahoning Valley Country Club on Wednesday, June 19, beginning at noon. Members are reminded to bring their yearbooks, nonperishable canned food item and a gift for the wonder box. If you have questions contact Harry Eisenhart at heisenhart@msn.com.