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The cat litter box

Published July 14. 2012 09:01AM

Dear Editor:

I was watching a news cast on the Fourth of July and caught the tail end of a broadcast on an illness caused by "Litter Box." I couldn't help wonder about the use and place of this toilet for cats in your home.

Oh yes this will ruffle the fur of our feline lovers but think about the use of this open cesspool/septic tank in your home. Regardless where it is. Laundry room, pantry or your own bedroom.

The feline waste generator, scratches in the clay and covers it up so you don't smell it. But now the cat walks over the rugs, jumps up upon the table and country and rolls over your bed spreading matter all over your home. Have you watched your furry friend wash its litter coated feet with its tongue and then lick you? Now that's gross.

That's with just a one cat household. What in heaven do the multiple cat owners face? And you wonder why folks are getting sick. At least I flush mine down the toilet.

From the pen of

Ken Treger


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