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Northern Lehigh School Board — financial

Published August 16. 2019 02:37PM

Northern Lehigh School Board approved the following financial matters on Monday:

• The supplemental personnel salary schedule for the 2019-20 school year.

• An agreement with Better Than the Best Concrete LLC, to replace the deteriorating sidewalk at the middle school, to be paid from the 2019-20 general fund budget.

• An agreement between the district and KRE Security/Investigations Inc. to provide security-related professional services on an as-needed basis for sporting events for the 2019-20 school year.

• An agreement with Public Consulting Group, an approved contractor for the Department of Human Services, to administer the school-based ACCESS Program claims.

• Axis Insurance Company as the 2019-20 Student Accident and Athletic Insurance Carrier beginning Aug. 5. The renewal rate is $25,250 to include all interscholastic sports, band and cheerleading. Voluntary school coverage is $22 for the school time rate and $88 for the 24-hour rate.

The board also approved the following conferences:

• Superintendent Matthew Link to attend the PASA-PSBA School Leadership Conference, Oct. 16-18, PASA Offices, Harrisburg, registration $475, lodging, $51, and travel, $93, for a total cost of about $1,019; and the AASA-PASA 20221 PA Cohort National Superintendent Certification Program, Nov. 6-7, March 19-20, 2020, June 24-26, 2020, Oct. 12-13, 2020, and March 4-5, 2021, PASA Offices, Harrisburg, registration $4,000, lodging and mileage to be approved closer to each session date, with both to be funded from the superintendent’s budget.

— Terry Ahner

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