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Northern Lehigh School Board financial

Published February 12. 2020 01:39PM

Northern Lehigh School Board approved the following financial matters on Monday:

• The PEPPM Mini-Bid proposal from eplus Technology Inc. for $34,354 (the district’s share is $13,742, E-rate share $20,613) to replace the district’s existing uninterruptible power supplies in all school buildings, contingent upon receiving E-Rate funding.

• To enter into a contract with Richardson Athletics to purchase a batting cage for softball at a cost of $2,947, to be paid from the 2019-20 athletic budget.

• To allow administration to continue membership in the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce at a fee of $424 for the 2020-21 school year, to be paid from the superintendent’s budget.

• Accepted the 2018-19 audit and management report for the single audit ending June 30, 2019.

• Budgetary transfers for the 2019-20 school year.

— Terry Ahner

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