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NW, Palmerton girls pick up wins

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    Northwestern’s Leighanna Lister (10) prepares to go up with a shot as Northern Lehigh’s Danielle Hoffman defends. BOB FORD/TIMES NEWS

Published December 22. 2017 11:58AM

The Northwestern and Palmerton girls basketball teams earned Colonial League wins on Thursday night.


Northwestern-No. Lehigh

Northwestern topped Northern Lehigh in a Colonial League contest, 61-41.

Leighanna Lister had 18 points for the Tigers. Gabrielle Sevrain added 16, while Jessica Williamson had 10.

Jada Seager dropped a game-high 25 points for the Bulldogs. Jill Olewine chipped in 11.


L. Lister 8-2-4-18, Chisdak 3-0-0-6, Sevrain 8-0-0-16, S. Sevrain 3-0-0-7, Williamson 5-0-1-10, Sekerak 2-0-1-4. TOTAL: 29-2-6-61.


Olewine 4-2-5-11, Saeger 9-0-2-25, Ziegler 1-0-0-2, D. Hoffman 0-0-0-0, Evans 0-0-0-0, Seier 1-0-1-2, Guelcher 0-0-0-0, L. Hoffman 0-1-2-1. TOTAL: 15-3-10-41.

N’western 21 13 14 13 - 61

No. Lehigh 10 15 10 6 - 41

Three-pointers: NW - S. Sevrain 1; NL - Saeger 7, Olewine 1.


Palmerton earned a Colonial League win over Catasauqua, 45-29.

Linnaea Leister led the Bombers with 15 points. Kayla Cincilla chipped in 10, while Emily Recker had eight.


Rushatz 0-0-0-0, Bradley 5-1-3-14, Delucia 2-0-0-5, Lacey 0-0-0-0, Brown 1-0-0-2, Madison 2-0-0-4, Richards 0-0-0-0, Greenberg 1-0-0-2, George 1-0-2-2. TOTAL: 12-1-5-29.


H. Guedes 0-0-0-0, B. Guedes 3-1-4-7, Hirochek 0-2-2-2, Cincilla 4-1-4-10, Leister 5-3-5-15, Frantz 0-3-5-3, Molchan 0-0-0-0, Beahm 0-0-0-0, Oldt 0-0-0-0, Recker 4-0-0-8. TOTAL: 16-10-20-45.

Catasauqua 7 10 8 4 - 29

Palmerton 11 10 10 14 - 45

Three-pointers: C - Bradley 3, k Delucia 1; P - Leister 2, Cincilla 1.


Marian topped Weatherly in a Schuylkill League game, 60-46

Isabella Schwabe paved the way for Marian with 20 points. Macy Alansky added 15, while Emily Shaud chipped in 10.

Emily Zoscin had a game-high 21 points to lead Weatherly.


Shaud 2-6-10-10, Erbe 2-0-0-5, Digris 0-0-0-0, Aogsti 2-0-1-5, Alansky 2-10-16-15, Schwabe 9-2-4-20, McClafferty 2-1-6-5. TOTAL: 19-19-37-60


Zoscin 6-7-12-21, T. Hinkle 1-0-0-3, Hoffman 1-0-0-3, G. Hinkle 0-1-2-1, James 3-0-0-7, Strouse 0-0-0-0, Ache 0-0-0-0, Peifer 4-3-5-11, Miller 0-0-0-0. TOTAL: 15-11-19-46.

Marian 13 20 13 14 - 60

Weatherly 17 11 11 7 - 46

Three-pointers: M - Erbe 1, Alansky 1, Agosti 1; W - Zoscin 2, T. Hinkle 1, Hoffman 1, James 1.



Catasauqua defeated Palmerton in a Colonial League affair, 69-58.

Isaiah Graves led all scorers with 36 points for Catasauqua.

Nate Dougherty scored a team-high 23 points for the Bombers.


Yacone 3-1-1-7, Young 2-0-0-5, Baumgardt 2-0-0-5, Dougherty 7-7-7-23, King 0-2-2-2, Kratzer 0-3-4-3, Yaindl 1-1-1-3, Hosier 3-2-2-8, Silfies 1-0-0-2. TOTAL: 19-16-17-58


Graves 14-7-14-36, Hernandez 2-1-2-5, A. Martinez 0-0-0-0, Green 2-1-2-6, D. Martinez 0-0-0-0, Bond 3-3-3-10, Bretl 1-0-0-2, Ritter 1-0-0-2, Troxell 0-1-2-1, Oppedasano 2-2-2-7. TOTAL: 25-15-25-69.

Palmerton 12 21 12 13 - 58

Catasauqua 14 17 15 23 - 69

Three-pointers: P - Dougherty 2, Young 1, Baumgardt 1; C - Graves 1, Green 1, Bond 1, Oppedasano 1.


Northern Lehigh-Salisbury

Northern Lehigh edged Salisbury in a Colonial League match, 16-6.

Seth Fronheiser picked up a win at 138 for the Bulldogs in a match that featured just two contested bouts and 10 double forfeits.

Northern Lehigh 16, Salisbury 6

106 - Double forfeit

113 - Double forfeit

120 - Preston Bauer (NL) won by forfeit

126 - Double forfeit

132 - Double forfeit

138 - Seth Fronheiser (NL) dec Devon Alder, 13-1

145 - Double forfeit

152 - Double forfeit

160 - Double forfeit

170 - Damion Rodriguez (NL) won by forfeit

182 - Double forfeit

195 - Jonah Niesenbaum (S) pin Brian Chase in 25

220 - Double forfeit

HWT - Double forfeit


Northwestern enjoyed a 53-16 Colonial League win over Palmerton.

Ben Griffith, Jackson Bernhard, and Tyler Watson each had pins for the Tigers. Colton Stroup, Lucas Christman and Aiden Melber all picked up wins for Palmerton.

Northwestern 53, Palmerton 16

106 - Jake Dellicker (NW) won by forfeit

113 - Double forfeit

120 - Ben Griffith (NW) pin Grant Scott in 39

126 - Colton Stroup (P) maj. dec Blake Brunner, 9-0

132 - Harrison Bernhard (NW) maj. dec Shawn Gardner, 11-3

138 - Matt Peters (NW) won by forfeit

145 - Colin Rex (NW) maj. dec Matt Lelik, 10-1

152 - Lucas Christman (P) pin Will Dellicker in 44

160 - Jackson Bernhard (NW) pin Nate Sterner in 3:22

170 - Caleb Clymer (NW) won by forfeit

182 - Tyler Watson (NW) pin Chris Lucykanish in 1:46

195 - Aiden Melber (P) pinned Peter Yablonski in 1:38

220 - Quin Moyer (NW) dec Kyle Kralik, 9-6

285 - Hayden Bobbyn (NW) won by forfeit

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