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Palmerton announces opening of schools

Published August 08. 2019 11:46AM

The Palmerton Area School District announces that schools will reopen for students on Aug. 26. Elementary students (K-6) begin at 8:30 a.m. and dismiss at 3 p.m. Junior high (7-8) and high school (9-12) students begin at 7:30 a.m. and dismiss at 2:25 p.m.

On Aug. 26, junior high students will report to the junior high school gymnasium. High school students should report directly to the assigned locations noted in their back-to-school letter.

Carbon Career and Technical Institute students should board their buses at the high school by 7:15 a.m. for the ride to CCTI.

Families should receive the back to school letter by Aug. 12.

School bus schedules will be posted at all district school entrances and on the school district website. Any questions about schedules should be directed to Leon George II School Buses Inc. at 610-826-7684.

Lunch prices have been set at $2.65 for elementary students and $2.75 for secondary students. Milk is available for 55 cents. Reduced lunch prices for all qualifying students are 40 cents. Junior/senior high school breakfast is available for $1.30 and elementary breakfast is available for $1.20. Reduced breakfast prices are 30 cents for qualifying students. Free and reduced lunch applications may be obtained in the cafeteria.

The menu is available on the school district website. For any questions, contact 610-826-3155, ext. 2218.

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