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Palmerton Area school board

Published February 22. 2020 07:04AM

Palmerton Area School District’s board of directors took action on the following items during Tuesday night’s meeting:

• Approved the 2020-21 proposed operating budget for the Carbon Career & Technical Institute, calling for receipts and expenditures in the amount of $8,713,359 for the fiscal year July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2021. Palmerton’s projected share, based on five-year historical average enrollments, will be $1,977,639, an increase of $16,295 from the previous budget year.

• Approved a motion to alleviate $76,000 due to the general fund from the food service fund, per local auditors.

• Approved the 2020-21 general operating budget of the Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit #21 in the amount of $3,182,360 for the fiscal year July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2021. Palmerton’s estimated contribution will be $21,900, an increase of $434 from the previous budget year.

• Approved bid from Bluestone Environmental Inc. for the Towamensing Elementary fuel tank project at a cost of $187,804.

• Authorized a notice to proceed on final design and bidding for Keystone Consulting Engineers for the S.S. Palmer steps/ramp.

• Accepted the withdraw of Hershocks Inc. from the high school window project.

• Approved Penn Builders Inc. under the potential energy savings contract with the McClure Company.

• Approved a notice to proceed agreement with the McClure Company at a not to exceed project cancellation cost of $40,000.

• Approved a change order from Penn Builders in the amount of $17,091.79. The change order is to switch from a 10-inch DIP CL 52 pipe to a 16-inch DIP CL 52 pipe from the underground fire supply tank to the wet well.

• Approved a second reading of policies dealing with Membership, Admission of Students, Withdrawal From School, Care of School Property, Employee Use of Electronic Devices, Relations With Law Enforcement Agencies, School Security Personnel, Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources, Social Media, and Use of Livestream Video on School Property.

• Accepted the resignation of Tiffany Bachart, special education teacher.

• Approved Gina Porvaznik and Debra Ringer as substitute cafeteria workers, effective Feb. 19.

• Approved an agreement with Barn Nature Center for one 60-minute hands-on educational animal presentation at the high school on April 23, 2020, at a cost of $300 to be paid from the general fund.

• Approved the $200 After School Educational Grant for Towamensing Elementary School’s Paramount Pollinators project from the Alpha Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa.

• Accepted a $750 anonymous donation through YourCause to be used for football and cheerleading.

• Approved the 2020-21 program of studies for the Palmerton Area Senior High School.

• Approved a contract with the Stroudsmoor Country Inn for the prom to be held on May 7, 2021, with a $500 deposit.

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