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Palmerton auxiliary honors members, names officers

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    Belva Greene, left, Palmerton Auxiliary member gets a corsage pinned on by Joanne Kercsmar, auxiliary president, as she becomes a lifetime volunteer member. Greene was voted to receive this award by her fellow members during the annual dinner meeting. MARY TOBIA/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS

Published July 13. 2018 12:31PM

St. Luke’s Palmerton Hospital Auxiliary held its annual dinner meeting recently in the Palmerton Hospital Cafeteria.

“Tonight, we celebrate all of our exceptional volunteers who give their time so generously and extend to them a very big thank you for all of their donated time and effort.” said JoAnn Kercsmar, president of the auxiliary.

Belva Greene was awarded the Honorary Member Award by the membership. Greene has been a volunteer with the auxiliary since 1992.

“We have had another very successful year thanks to all of our hardworking volunteers,” Kercsmar said. She recognized Emily Bradbury of the Ways and Means Committee; Karen Kaiser, manager of the Nearly New; Diane Owens, the volunteers who deliver mail in the hospital, Owls Nest Gift Shop and all the volunteers at the Adult Day Care.

Kercsmar thanked Belva Greene, Janet Morgan, Beverly Smale and Marion Rodgers for making the Huggy Bears and Cancer Bags for the hospital patients.

Carol Curio and the art committee were recognized for placing artwork in the hallway of the hospital and to Honey Cyr for scheduling working times for ticket sale fundraisers.

Special thanks was given to Patrick Clark for his computer work with the Heartbeat Newsletter, sales ads and event announcements.

Marj Federanich, president-elect, gave the following awards:

• The Nancy C. Mendsen Medical Career Award to Palmerton Senior Avery Neipert for $1,000. She will be attending Lebanon Valley College in the exercise science/physical therapy program.

• The Dan and Mary Shook Nursing Award went to Palmerton Senior Julie McGowan in the amount of $1,000. She will be attending Lehigh Carbon Community College for nursing.

Each girl received $250 at the awards ceremony program at the high School. The remainder of their award is contingent on their grades, which they will present to the auxiliary board.

• The Joyce W. White “in-house” nursing award in the amount of $1,000 was presented to Julie Kuehner.

She has her associate degree in nursing and will be continuing her education for her bachelor’s degree with Clarion online.

Kercsmar presented Judge Steven R. Serfass, chairman of the board of St. Luke’s Palmerton and Gnaden Huetten and Terry Purcell, president of St. Luke’s Palmerton and Gnaden Huetten Campuses the annual auxiliary gift.

This year it was in the amount of $35,000.

This money is raised throughout the year from profits from The Owls Nest, the Nearly New and the many fundraising events the auxiliary runs during the year.

The auxiliary also purchased the flowers planted around the hospital.

“You all are a special microcosm of good people coming together to volunteer like you do. You do a wonderful job and are great ambassadors for our community. Thank you for all the great work you do for Palmerton and St. Luke’s,” said Judge Serfass.

Emily Bradbury installed the 2018-19 officers. Mary Levendusky, Owl’s Nest treasurer; Louise Koons, secretary; Kathleen Ahner, assistant secretary/corresponding secretary; Marjorie Federanich, president and Carol Curcio, president-elect. The treasurer position is still open at this time.

Federanich expressed her enthusiasm in taking over the role of auxiliary president with a quote from Henry Ford.

“Together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. I am looking forward to leading this great organization,” Federanich said.

Guest speaker for the evening was Terry Purcell, president of St. Luke’s Palmerton and Gnaden Huetten campuses. He spoke on the transitioning of the Palmerton and Gnaden Huetten hospitals with the St Luke’s Health Network. His informative talk outlined the advantages of the improved health care in our community and a brighter future for the hospitals.

“I believe the citizens of Carbon County will be very happy with the health care that will now be available to them,” Purcell added.

The meeting concluded by awarding door prizes to a few lucky members and guests.

The Palmerton Auxiliary has been in existence since 1912 and is a nonprofit volunteer organization.

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