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Palmerton council

Published January 15. 2019 12:17PM

At Thursday’s meeting, the Palmerton council made its appointment of officers. Appointments are as follows:

• Manager, secretary, streets commissioner: Rodger Danielson

• Treasurer, assistant secretary: Donna McGarry

• Solicitor: Michael Ozalas

• General Engineer: Keystone Consulting Engineers

• Sewer Engineer: Entech Engineering

• Water Engineer: Keystone Consulting Engineers

• Building Code Official: Duane Dellecker

• Zoning Officer, code enforcement officer: Duane Dellecker

• Code Enforcement Agent: Clark Ritter

• Sewer Enforcement Officer: Berks Envirotech Inc.

The borough passed a volunteer service credit program, providing a tax relief for volunteer firefighters. Some requirements outlined by the program include a familiarity with on-sight personnel, a knowledge of EMS, an understanding of the responsibilities of firefighters, first responders and fire police officers, attendance at a minimum of 10 percent of dispatched incidents per quarter and reporting to a minimum of one training per month.

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