Palmerton school board
In other action items on Tuesday, the Palmerton school board approved:
• Kelly Ord as an elementary teacher at the rate of $47,500.
• Jamie Frockowiak as a special education instructional assistant at S.S. Palmer at $15.35 per hour.
• Mary Beth Zulic as a special education instructional assistant at S.S. Palmer at $15.35 per hour.
• Eli DeSocio as part-time flex custodian at $13.82 per hour.
• Teresa Reed as a three-hour junior high school dish room employee at $13.06 per hour.
• Jayme Bass and Erika Katona as substitute cafe workers.
• Meghan Wentz as a short-term elementary substitute at $120 per day.
• Tara Marques as a substitute teacher.
• Lindsay Dillman and Mary Herrmann as substitute instructional assistants.
• Felicia Fischer as math coach at $51,000.
• Kim Nenscel as math coach at $52,000.
• The list of 2019-20 bus drivers and bus routes.
• A drama club field trip to the Broadway Theater and Hard Rock Cafe in New York City on April 1, 2020, pending submission of a chaperone list closer to date of trip. The cost to the district is for the substitute teacher. Funding for the trip will be covered by the drama parents club.
• Accepted the resignation of Jose Elvir from his volunteer position of adviser to the International Travelers’ Club.
• The 2019-20 Palmerton High School faculty handbook.
• Accepted a $130 donation from Aetna Foundation.
— Jarrad Hedes