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Palmerton writes to DEP about Northface

Published December 21. 2019 06:48AM

In a letter to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Palmerton officials asked the agency to address what they see as “deficiencies” at Northface Business Park before renewing the developer’s permit next year.

The letter, dated Dec. 6 and signed by Donna McGarry, borough manager, states that both Palmerton council members and its municipal authority believe the project’s developer, Phase III Environmental, should address fill, traffic and other issues before being given permission to continue work. Phase III’s permit in question, known as the National Pollutant Discharge and Elimination System permit, expires at the end of January 2020.

McGarry cites multiple concerns, including road damage to Mauch Chunk Road allegedly caused by large trucks trekking fill (materials like brick, soil, rock, stone and used asphalt) to the Northface site off Route 248. She writes that George Petrole, the project’s chief operations officer, has “repeatedly stated that this is not the developer’s responsibility even though a large percentage of the trucks are running overweight.”

McGarry adds that Palmerton police have cited more than 300 drivers of overweight trucks.

Palmerton Municipal Authority also has pending litigation against Phase III in Carbon Court, demanding more than $80,000 from the developer for alleged damage to an authority pump house, the letter reads.

And the borough has yet to receive a land development plan for the business park, which Phase III claims will be turned into an industrial complex.

At the end of the correspondence, McGarry says Phase III should be required to “correct the problems it created” by submitting a stormwater management plan to the borough and paying for pipe remediation and the resurfacing of Mauch Chunk Road, among other demands, before having its permit renewed.

McGarry also requests a meeting be held before any approval is given.

An attempt by the Times News to reach Petrole Friday afternoon went unanswered.

In an email, Colleen Connolly, a DEP spokeswoman, says Phase III applied for its permit renewal back in September, and the application is under review. Public comment is being accepted and can be sent to Pam Kania, program manager, via email at

Palmerton officials sent a similar letter to DEP around this time last year, which also raised concerns about damage to Mauch Chunk Road and the burying of a storm drain that runs through the park. Not long after, DEP hit Phase III with a violation notice listing more than 30 deficiencies regarding fill taken to the site.

DEP eventually rescinded that notice and gave Phase III the go-ahead for another year.

The developer was also granted permission in July to cover wetlands in the park, the site of New Jersey Zinc’s former west plant. Phase III has to replace those lands, which measure just over 3 acres.

How new wetlands would be created was not made clear, but according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resource Conservation Service, the process depends on the location, desired use and size of the new wetlands.

Finally it took lo g enough. I guess now that crooked danielson is gone. Hope she is going thru with this. To many speed thru town
Crooked is right, such corruption in this town. Same people running this town for ever and ever. Need to get new people for once.
"How wetlands would be created is not clear"
Do remember Trump has taken care of some of it. The Clean Water Act of 1972 Regs have changed. Companies will no longer need a permit to discharge harmful chemicals into streams and wet lands.
Changes to Stormwater Regulations under the Clean Water Act have nothing to do with chemical discharge. You still need a permit - read the article, the Borough is trying to make extra conditions for them getting it. Frankly, the conditions to fix a road are not representative of the permit. Saying fix our roads to get your permit is JUST LIKE saying fire that investigator or you won’t get your military aide (sound familiar). You can’t just make stuff up - that’s extortion. The fact is, Northface is doing the State-required cleanup of the site. Please don’t say or do something that could make them run away - we have been waiting 30 years for the fix - breathing in lead for 90. Shush!
Seems you always throw trump in on your comments. Canada has lots of room if you care to move. The illegals can help you get settled in. Dont you care that jobs went up. Illegals are slowly dwindling. isis is getting depleted. stocks are up???
Right softball, the jobs taken from you are from the illegals from Mexico. Trump has you believing that your unwarranted prejudice is more important than the real issues that affect jobs. Look at the real facts. Those who care about this country will report the truth when ever it is get used to it. We are not going any where.
Sounds to me you want to listen to CNN - in particular Anderson Cooper - tell you what to think. How ironic because he is a Vanderbilt - one of those basterds that like Mr. Palmerton stole people’s life and the environment to make family generational wealth. So his grandfather, Cornelius Vanderbilt, F*d up the planet so you can have his weird grandson hate the people that have the audacity to challenge “the order of things”. You are playing for the wrong team honey. Intelligence takes more than watching TV.
That's all u can say bout clean air. Go outside n breathe its clean. So u donr care bought jobs n sock market? An illegal cant take my job. They need proof that they are not illegal to do my job n a clean driving record sorry. My job is safe.
Oh please I have been a member of Greenpeace and Sierra Club, that's where I get my knowledge regarding the environment and of course biology and chemistry. Scientists have said our planet is a toxic mess. Why don't you look into just a few of the thousands of chemicals and metals involved. And the Big Corporate Scum Bags that put them here. People in Palmerton certainly know about a few of them.
You didnt answer my question do u want illegals. ? Like u stated taking our jobs?
Greenpeace and Sierra club provided the "facts" you are telling everyone? They certainly are fact based organizations with no political agenda.
Knowing the scope of this project. No road bond??

If that's true and somebody has that in writing then...She writes that George Petrole, the project’s chief operations officer, has “repeatedly stated that this is not the developer’s responsibility even though a large percentage of the trucks are running overweight.” is true.

Overweight is a legal issue. Pull them over and fine them. Use the fine money to pay for the repairs. If they're willing to run overweight you can't tell me all those trucks have good tires, brakes, lights, proper driver logs, etc., etc.
No most r illegals but country girl doesnt believe that she watches cnn so that tells you alot. They can seem to answer a question but have lots of opinions on nothing that matters
Ist softball I think you missed the point about the Wealthy people in this Country and the fact checkers that showed Mr. T's Companies were still using Undocumented workers floating them up and down the coast to his properties. You seem to miss the point that he is tapping into peoples prejudice to get votes.
Suckers are born everyday....with all due respect.
The Main truth that needs to be heard is our Planet is a Toxic Mess.
Done !
Not going any where. :)
Again you still didnt answer the question. Do u want illegals ISIS n no jobs ? It's a simple question. N as for a mess yes the demos r making this country a mess n I'm not going anywhere so I guess we are at a stalemate. Let's hope we can all come together n get the country back on track I'm sure we both want that
DEP has a policy of allowing wetlands to be "replaced" - there is no mystery to how it works. They may allow a wetland area to be filled in, if a new wetland is created elsewhere - which can be in an entirely different town. It really doesn't matter where the 3 acres is...
People should look up what Scientists have to say about the importance of wet lands NOT being " filled in"
- Carbon Sink
- Flood Control
- Storm Buffer
- Pollution Filter
- Fertile Farm Land
That's right the Corporation's scum pollution has to go "some where" and don't forget about Developers that have rights to fill in Wet Lands in order to build houses. We know the mystery of how it works.

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