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Panther Valley continues cafeteria work

Published April 12. 2019 11:14AM

Panther Valley School District is continuing a project to modernize the high school cafeteria.

Once proposed as an overall renovation of the kitchen area, the project came in over budget. Since then the district has been investing in parts of the project.

On Thursday they agreed to spend $69,182.88 to have Singer Equipment Co. replace the freezer and cooler at the high school. The bid was awarded through a state contract.

Business manager Ken Marx said the project will be paid for through the cafeteria fund, which is made up of money the district receives from USDA for serving free lunch to low-income students. The district is limited in what they can spend that money on.

On Thursday the school board also approved a contract with its food service provider, the Nutrition Group, which provides that the district will be guaranteed a profit of $157,692, which will go toward the cafeteria fund. Marx said the guaranteed profit is about $20,000 less than last year because last year it cooked food for some local alternative schools but those schools switched their food service provider to Lehighton Area School District.

Cafeteria revenue comes from the federal government, which pays the district based on the number it serves each day.

All Panther Valley students receive free breakfast and lunch because the district qualifies for the USDA’s Community Eligibility Provision. CEP is a program available to low-income districts.

Marx said the district will continue to invest the profits from the cafeteria into upgrading the facilities at the high school, and eventually the elementary.

In other business

• The board approved a resolution asking elected officials to reduce the cost burden of cyber charter education on local districts. Under state law if a student wishes to attend a cyber charter, a district must pay the tuition. Panther Valley’s cyber charter costs increased by about 50 percent between 2014-15 and 2017-18. The district paid a total of $1,507,359 to cyber charters last year.

• The board voted to accept the retirement of Mary Ann Krajnak, elementary school paraprofessional and Theresa Zuber, junior senior high school math teacher. Superintendent Dennis Kergick thanked both for their service.

• Board members Irene Genther and Renee DeMelfi praised Panther Valley High School senior Rene Figueroa, who received the Times News-Lehigh Valley Health Network Boys’ Basketball Player of the Year. They said Figueroa has been a role model to students off the court as well.

• The board appointed Michael McCall, Colleen McCall, Patrick McCall and Kristie Zimmerman to serve as deputies for Lansford tax collector Terrance P. McCall.

• The board voted to approve 10-day out-of-school suspension for four students for violating the district’s policies on drugs and alcohol and weapons. In each case the student is facing expulsion if they do not seek placement in an alternative school for 45 days.

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