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Penn Forest Township votes to advertise 2019 budget

Published November 06. 2018 12:16PM

Penn Forest Township has agreed to advertise its proposed 2019 budget. The township will continue to have no township tax. The proposed budget includes a general fund revenue of $1.5 million with expenses of $950,000.

The township also agreed to extend the Rolling Stock fund for the two Penn Forest volunteer fire companies. For the past five years the township has contributed $30,000 a year to each of the companies to be used for vehicles only.

The extension does not guarantee $30,000 per year, but will be re-evaluated each year when the budget is set.

The township also approved a motion to submit the final draft of the wind turbine zoning amendments to the Carbon County Planning Commission and the Penn Forest Township Planning Commission for a 30-day review. Copies of the revised ordinance will be available online at the township website.

The supervisors approved a refund in the amount of $2,648 to Glenn Keller for unused building permits. Mark and Marion Domski were also approved for a refund of $1,200 for a septic application for a new septic system that was able to be repaired.

A motion was also approved to release part of the performance bond to Beltzville Enterprises Storage Units. Township engineer Dan Wilusz reviewed the project and recommended the release of $106,360.

The supervisors have been considering the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Route 903 and Old Stage Road. The project is expected to cost in excess of $300,000. The project was tabled until the township can apply for an ARLE Grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. The grants are awarded in June.

The new concession stand at the park has had an ongoing issue with septic backing up. The contractor was called in and verified that there is an issue with several of the drains in the floor. The repairs as expected to be completed this week at no charge to the township.

Also, Chairman Butch Reiner pointed out that although the township just spent $140,000 to pave the parking lot at the township park, people are choosing to park on the grass and to also drive through the park to get to the tennis courts and the pavilion.

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