Pleasant Valley school board
Pleasant Valley School District’s board of directors took the following action Thursday night:
• Approved the move of the pupil services department to Polk Elementary School effective fall 2019 including child accounting, registration and student information departments.
• Approved the first reading of policies on adoption of textbooks, immunizations and communicable diseases, diabetes management, possession/administration of asthma inhalers/epinephrine auto-injectors, family and medical leaves, maintenance, use of school facilities, child abuse, and public complaint procedures.
• Aired Donna Eilber as confidential secretary at $31,710 (base salary) plus $1,500 (confidential).
• Aired Lynn Courtright as chief of school police/security at $67,477.
• Aired Robert Hahn as high school social studies teacher at $44,463, Amy Keller as middle school social studies teacher at $46,163, Jessica Bruch as first-grade teacher at $66,463, Cassandra Crawford as kindergarten teacher at $50,563.
• Approved a continuation of assignment for Thomas Dudley, Pleasant Valley Intermediate School dean of students.
• Accepted the resignation of Miranda Marotto, food service employee; Jeneen Reitano, building secretary; and Kristen Ortiz, learning support teacher.