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Pleasant Valley school board

Published November 01. 2019 12:27PM

In addition to deciding on school policies and other matters, the Pleasant Valley School Board also approved of the following new hires and personnel changes.

• Hiring of professional staff: Caitlin Simpson, PVHS math teacher, $44,063, replacing Lori Bettencourt.

• Hiring college students as professional staff day-to-day substitutes: Stephanie Amador, East Stroudsburg University student, $110 per diem.

• Hiring of support staff substitutes: Lauralee Serfass, food service employee, monitor, paraprofessional associate and secretary.

• Intramural advisers: Mark Rehrig, PVHS Snowboard and Ski Club.

• Position created: Russell Hughes, Monroe County Spelling Championship coordinator, $600.

• Supplemental contracts, nonathletic: Miranda Ford, World Language Department chairperson first semester, grades 7-12, $1,137.50; Daniel Mulligan, PVHS musical director, $2,887.50; Marcie Mulligan, PVHS assistant musical director, $2,021.25; Liam Mulligan, PVHS assistant musical director, $2,021.25; Brent Lewis, PVHS Guitar Club adviser, $700.

• Resignation: Colleen Dinan, field hockey head coach; and Tara Hyland, PVES paraprofessional associate.

The board also approved the following athletic supplemental contracts.

• Boys Basketball: Douglas Rappa, Junior High assistant, $3,850; Stephen Kalbach, Freshman assistant, $4,900.

• Softball: Mackenzie Caffrey, JV assistant, $4,550.

• Lacrosse: Eric Batstone, varsity assistant, $5,050.

• Baseball: Scott Castone, JV assistant, $4,950.

• Noncoaching: Alex Wunder, JV scorebook/score keeper, $30 per event; Nick Hutta, junior high scorebook/score keeper, $25 per event; Michelle Piotkowski, track and cross-country judge and timer, $35 per event; Jamie Hyde, event manager, $610.41.

This field trip was approved by the board.

• Grade 5: Franklin Institute, Nov. 5, STEM experiences. No cost per student.

— Kris Porter

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