Pleasant Valley school board president aims to unite directors
The Pleasant Valley School Board president is attempting to mend a rift between board members.
Last month, Pleasant Valley school board Director Daniel Wunder addressed a comment made by Director Laura Jecker on her Facebook page regarding the district’s lack of action regarding upgrading its anti-bullying policy.
During his comments, Wunder addressed a question to board President Len Peeters, who happened to be absent from the meeting.
Wunder asked what Peeters was doing to unite the board.
Peeters took the opportunity last week to address Wunder’s comments.
“I have always viewed school boards as a body of individuals,” Peeters said. “These individuals with various backgrounds come together to listen to issues and proposals pertaining to the district. We all make decisions which we feel will best benefit our district. These decisions sometime align with our administration and sometimes not. If we always agreed, what purpose would there be for a school board?”
Peeters said he would never censor a board member for asking questions of the administration and said that his stance could well cost him his presidency, but that he believes that disagreement is healthy for growth in the district.
Peeters also cautioned his fellow directors against public attacks and negative statements on social media and suggested that the board lead by example.
Following Peeters remarks, both Wunder and Jecker said that they agreed that working together was best for the district.
Individuals, providing oversight and insight. They should not be Rubber stampers, but servants to the Stakeholders.
Bullies, whether Administrators or other board members, all need to be stopped.
Citizen David F. Bradley Sr.
Duly Elected Director Lehighton District.