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Pleasant Valley school district

Published November 27. 2019 11:18AM

At their meeting on Thursday, the Pleasant Valley School Board approved various employee requests, new hires and new appointments. The list includes:

• Claudia Mickey as a health room technician at $82.50 per day.

• Under noncoaching athletic positions, the new hires include: Karen Voulo, Boys/Girls Basketball, Freshman/Jr. High scorebook; Joe Anderton, Boys/Girls Basketball, Varsity announcer; James Igoe, Boys/Girls Basketball, Freshman/Jr. High scorebook/scorekeeper and Boys Basketball, Freshman/Jr. High score board operator; Bron Leupold, Girls Basketball, Varsity clock operator and JV clock operator, and Boys/Girls Basketball, Freshman/Jr. High clock operator.

• For nonathletic positions, the new appointments include: Dan Mulligan, National Art Honor Society adviser; Bernadette Fierro, Literary Magazine and Mock Trial; and Michelle Morcombe, Health Services Department chairwoman.

• Salary adjustment for JoAnna Richardson, Cheering: Jr. High Assistant, from $3,400 to $2,112.

• Intramural adviser: Nicole Skurjunis, Cheerleading, at $1,240.

• Resignation: Gregory Duff, scoreboard operator; Derek Strohl, Girls Soccer head coach.

• Support staff substitutes for substitute custodians: Kevin Dzwonkowski, Shandler Rechenberger and Adam Shorkey at $10.38 per hour.

• Assignment changed: Christina Ciaravino, teacher of the gifted, PVES, PVIS and PVHS; Julie Kresge, teacher of the gifted, PVIS and PVMS.

• Addition to current assignment: Alexandria Gibb, Russell C. Hughes Spelling Bee coordinator, $600.

• Intramural adviser: Jonni Murphy, Softball (Grades 4, 5 and 6)

• Change of assignment: Kaitlin Freeman, Girls Basketball, Jr. High Assistant, $3,650.

• Salary adjustment: Chad Snyder, Marching Band assistant director, $4,712.50.

— Kristine Porter

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