Pocono Garden Club annual show and plant sale moving to new location
The Pocono Garden Club’s 30th annual Flower Show and plant sale, “Winged Creatures,” will take place at Northampton Community College’s Pocono Hall Building at 2411 Route 715 in Tannersville from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. July 14.
Featured will be creative floral designs, horticultural exhibits, a plant sale featuring a special selection of native plants that attract butterflies and bees, as well as plants grown by club members, a marketplace sale and more.
The show will also feature a bake sale, tricky tray, progressive auction, and marketplace of new and gently used garden-related or plant-themed goods.
The educational program this year will be “Creating A Butterfly Garden,” given by club member Sharon Carey.
Also present will be the Penn State Master Gardeners and The Garden of Giving, this year’s featured charity.
The public is welcome to submit floral arrangements or horticultural specimens for exhibit and judging at the show in adherence with club guidelines as posted on the Pocono Garden Club’s Facebook page.
Club meetings are held at the Monroe County Conservation District building on Running Valley Road in Bartonsville. Membership is $15 per year.
For more information, contact Lucy Auger, 570-894-9639, or email lucyauger@ymail.com.