Pocono Garden Club to meet
It may be the dead of winter, but the Pocono Garden Club is in full bloom with its annual social luncheon set for Feb. 3.
The bring-a-covered-dish meeting will begin at noon at the Monroe County Conservation District on Running Valley Road in Bartonsville. Everyone interested in gardening is welcome. For more information contact club President Lucy Auger, 570-894-9639 or email lucyauger@ymail.com.
Members may enter plants and arrangements monthly for judging in several categories. February’s design category topic is “Groundhog Day,” using an inverted T arrangement of fresh or silk flowers in warm colors. The design must incorporate a clock.
The horticulture entry would be a single stem from an evergreen not to exceed 16 inches, specimen to be in a clear container. The houseplant entry will be a violet in bloom.
Please bring entries 30 minutes before the start of the meeting.
The meeting will begin with the annual budget report, along with the distribution of the 2018 club directory.