Pocono Garden Club plans annual show
The Pocono Garden Club is gearing up for its annual flower show, and will present “Judging Horticulture and Design From a Judge’s Perspective” when the club meets at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the Monroe County Conservation District, 8050 Running Valley Road, Bartonsville.
Club member and flower show committee member Joan Lippi will present the program. The annual show, titled “Imagine — A Trip Down Abbey Road,” will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. July 13, at Northampton Community’s College, Pocono Hall Building, 2411 Route 715, Tannersville.
The club also will accept donations of new or gently used garden related items for the show’s marketplace, as well as donations of gift certificates and goods for the silent auction and Tricky Tray.
The monthly design exhibit is “Bridal Veil,” an inverted crescent using monochromatic white fresh or silk flowers. Accessories are permitted. The horticultural entry would be a bouquet of perennials or annuals in a plain container. The houseplant entry would be a cactus. Bring in your entries 30 minutes before the start of the meeting.
For more information contact President Joan Gregorio at joanieg103@aol.com or Vice President Sandy Goddeyne at sandyg1478@yahoo.com. You may also visit the Pocono Garden Club on Facebook.