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Police: Kunkletown man had 3,000 child porn images

Published February 08. 2019 08:58AM

A Kunkletown man has been charged after police found more than 3,000 child pornography images on his computer..

A criminal complaint filed by Trooper Anthony Reppert of the state police’s Bureau of Criminal Investigation, Special Investigation Division, Southeast Computer Crime Task Force, charges Joseph Frank Corigliano, 34, of the 2000 block of Point Phillips Road, with felony counts of sexual abuse of children, dissemination of photographs, videotapes, computer depictions and films and criminal use of a communication facility.

Reppert said in an affidavit of probable cause filed in the office of Magisterial District Judge Coleen Mancuso, Brodheadsville, that the offenses took place between May 11 and July 17, 2018, at Corigliano’s residence.

The investigator said he was conducting an online internet investigation on May 11, using a Peer to Peer file sharing program, when he identified numerous files depicting child pornography that were depicted from a computer used by Corigliano. Through an administrative subpoena served on PenTeleData, he said he confirmed Corigliano to be the subscriber of the IP address that was used to obtain the pornography.

Reppert said police executed a search warrant at the residence on July 17, seizing four items from the residence that were sent to authorities for a forensic examinati9on.

On July 31, Reppert said he interviewed the defendant, when Corigliano acknowledged using the file sharing software and saying he could not recall anyone else other than him using the computer.

In the affidavit filed Jan. 29, the investigator said that software included 56 complete files and 73 partial files depicting child pornography that Corigliano’s computer was accessing.

Included in the seized equipment were two hard drives, one containing 89 picture files of child pornography and the other containing 69 video files and 3,249 picture files. Also seized were a laptop, seven other picture files and three other video files.

In the pornography, the files depict children ranging from 1-11 years of age. Some of the files show male and female children nude, they exploit body parts, and show children performing sexual acts on adult men, Reppert’s affidavit states.

He posted $10,000 unsecured bail. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for March 22 at district magistrate’s Colleen Mancuso’s office.

So because of Trump. the proliferation of child pornography has exploded? Using similar "logic," the economy has only been doing well since he was elected? Eh, the facts do not support either one of those.
Here we go again DO. Mommy is going to be very mad when she sees you were on the TN web site again. Probably a spanking and 2 weeks locked in the dark basement. That’s ok, you don’t like to see people anyway. Your posts are great. Great for display of ignorance. What materials have you studied to develop your base of political knowledge?
We all know the answer to that?
If you want to insult President Trump...good for you. How many buildings have your name on the side of them? Do you own and operate a Boeing 757 Airliner? What year did you graduate from the Wharton School of Business? How many public debates did you ever participate in...and win? Etc, etc, etc... We all know the answer to these questions. I just wanted to highlight it. You are disfunctional...good luck in the basement of life!
How many buildings have your name on the side of them? He's a narcissistic jagbag. He paid to have his name on the building. Hardly an accomplishment.
Do you own and operate a Boeing 757 Airliner? Who Cares?
What year did you graduate from the Wharton School of Business? What year did Pappa Trump donate to the new wing? Probably the year Donny Douche "Graduated"!
How many public debates did you ever participate in...and win? Win!!! Ha ha ha that's great!
You're a Clown Show!
I also haven't lied my ass off my whole life.
I never slept with porn skanks.
I don't make deals with Russian Dictators
I didn't bring 2 Eastern European whores into the country.
America is now the Shithole it never was. Thanks You festering Troglodyte
Facts.... Facts.... Facts.... defined.... undefined.... perceived.... ignored...
Passive aggressive " " 's Matters?
Diggingout is most likely an older person. Most likely stole a phone from one of the orderlys at the hospital. So I’d take it with a grain of salt.
You'd like that wouldn't you? Of course, you're a sick little Trumptard.
Thanks for proving my point. Deviant Republicans. This is why they hate taxes. No money, no cops. They can keep practicing their sick predilections.
Diggingout is such a moron. Trump and the Republicans have nothing to do with the fact that pedophiles are everywhere. Maybe if he came out of his bedroom and visited the real world he would know this.
Holy Cow!! 3000 images in two months. The guys that work for me pretty much take photos every day as part of their jobs and I don't think we share that many photos.

That's over 50 a day. Sick Bastard yes, but working hard at it.
Hi again DO! Keep it up! You are on full display! You are controlled by Republicans who live “rent free” in your corupt mind.
How many books that you wrote became best sellers? The Art of the Deal is one of the best sellers of all time. Written when Donald Trump was considedered a Democrat.
What is your net worth DO? How many Billions? When is the last time you donated 100k to a charity? Last week President Trump donated that amount to a charity that maintains military cemeteries. In fact President Trump donates his entire salary to a different charity each quarter, except for a single dollar. Who is responsible for the lowest unemployment...ever, for minorities, women...etc? Where is ISIS? You know the answer to this. I think you are beyond redemption. I only take the time in honor of the fallen that deserve better. You are a lousy hateful bully. It is time for good Americans to stand up to people like you and set you straight. You owe intellectual honesty to yourself, your family, your country, and your God. Reasonable debate is beyond your capacity. If you had any senses you would be ashamed of yourself.
Why are these pieces of filth allowed such light sentences? This person needs to go to jail for the rest of his life. When someone is caught with this much overwhelming evidence they need to never be allowed out of jail. No bail.
Yes. Trump's America.

What a sick motherfucker. I bet he KNOWS the meth king pin.

Do not be nice to him. He can take his cheese pizza and shove it up INTO his ass.

I am gonna look at his face to see if I know his bitch ass from the 90s when we all got raped. Nigger. Bitch.

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