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Polk Twp. secretary retires, supervisors name replacement

Published May 21. 2019 01:09PM

Polk Township supervisors announced that the current secretary is retiring and named her replacement during Monday’s meeting.

Ruthanne Toner submitted her official letter of retirement, effective June 1, after 10 years of service.

“She has been a great asset to our township,” Supervisor Carl Heckman said.

Toner began as the planning commission secretary and moved up to this position.

Supervisors voted in favor of Rebecca Tippett as the new township secretary.

This was her first night taking notes at the table next to the supervisors, township solicitor and township engineer.

She was a part-time secretary for a year and two months before going full time in early March.

She has also been the planning commission secretary since January 2019. She will continue that role until further notice.

Supervisors motioned to advertise to hire another secretary, possibly full-time.

In other business

• Supervisors awarded bids for roadwork. Bruce George Paving and Excavating had the lowest bid for paving, at $128,916.28. Memorial Drive and Blue Mountain Court will be paved. Asphalt Maintenance Solutions had the lowest bid for seal coating, at $96,181.11. Windy Hill Road, Dotter’s Corner Road and Mertz Road will be seal coated.

• There will be a public hearing at 6:45 p.m. on June 24 to add seven properties to the township’s Agricultural Security Area during this seven-year review period. The ASA guarantees farmers certain rights.

• Supervisors will hear public comment regarding its Nuisance Ordinance during the June 24 meeting at 7 p.m.

This is an ordinance to “regulate the accumulation and storage of junk and/or rubbish; the accumulation and storage of junk and/or unregistered vehicles and equipment; to prohibit the existence of dangerous buildings and structures; and to abate other public nuisances in order to prevent the blight and deterioration of property, to protect property values within the township and to abate public health hazards, and otherwise protect the general health, safety and welfare of the residents of Polk Township.”

The full text is on the township’s website,, or you can request a copy at the township office, 165 Polk Township Road, Kresgeville.

• The township received a Monroe County Open Space Development grant for $20,000 for phase two of the walking park. The grant money will be used to put a trail in and pave it. The 4.25-acre park is near the township building and facilities.

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