PPL launches Community Roots tree giveaway
PPL Electric Utilities has unveiled Community Roots, a new program that will provide free trees to benefit the environment.
The goal is to give trees to county and municipal parks, environmentally-focused groups and schools. In schools, Community Roots will be available to fourth-graders.
Trees will be available in three types: bare-root seedlings, containers seedlings and gallon container seedlings. They will be given away on a first-come, first-served basis.
Those interested in participating may order trees online at www.pplcommunityroots.com.
Trees can be ordered now can be planted in spring and fall next year. Trees for spring 2018 need to be ordered by Oct. 25. Trees for fall 2018 must be ordered by June 11, 2018. There is a one-order limit per year, per group or school. Individual property owners are not eligible. Quantities are limited. Further details are on the Community Roots website.