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Pray for a safer America

Published December 02. 2017 12:01AM

Is there any place safe in America? The answer is a definite NO. It’s like a “Reign of Terror” happening across America! Not even the house of God is a safe refuge from these deranged killers, recently proven when 26 worshippers were gunned down in a small Texas church by another psycho maniac, as they prayed during Sunday service. Some of the victims were children, not even school age. Not given a chance to grow up.

These psycho cases running amok, seem to be everywhere throughout our beloved USA. Is it drugs that cause a killer to create violence and begin shooting innocent people? Or has their brain completely exploded in a web of insanity?

The Las Vegas shootings (59 dead) was shocking and truly devastating. Since it’s not safe in this modern day society — thousands of crowds at a concert should be minimized to 500. The Las Vegas country music concert was entirely overcrowded. People were being trampled and falling over one another, trying to flee the area when the shooting began. It was impossible to escape the gunshots with such a tremendous crowd, with everyone trying to get out of range of being a fatal target.

These horrendous shootings are out of control. You’re taking a chance by attending these live shows, more so, at an outdoor event where you’re so easily a target for crowds exposed to a large area.

President Donald Trump ought to examine gun control laws. It won’t stop the killers, but it might dissolve the chance of less weapons available to these sickos, who are hellbent on killing.

Our government needs a plan to stop all this violence. Shoot the killers on sight! They don’t need a trial … that’s a waste of taxpayers’ money. They deserve to die as soon as they’re captured, if they don’t take their own life during the shootings.

We need a miracle to save America from these gun-happy killing sprees. Everyone pray for our beautiful country to become free of these dastardly killings.

God bless America.

Earl E. Stahler

West Penn Township

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