The Real Socialism
Look no further than Venezuela to see the true effects of socialism; they are devastating. Venezuela was once the wealthiest country in South America with the largest proven fossil fuel reserves in the world.
And then came socialism, and the dire consequences followed. It is now a country of starvation, disease, crime and mortality. Malnourishment currently affects 6.8 million people, over 21% of the population. The wonderful people of Venezuela lost on average 25 pounds.
When they ran out of zoo animals to eat, they resorted to eating their own pets. And yet, here in our great country, with an economy that is the envy of the world, socialism is being exemplified by the policies of 2020 Democrat presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren as something wonderful and desirable.
Think long and hard this November when you go to the polls. If you are a pet owner, think about what it must feel like when you are forced to eat your own beloved pet, because to survive, you have no other choice. This is the real socialism. Free isn’t free. It never was and it never will be.
Wanda Dietz
Franklin Township
Or could your letter be a subliminal, subtle way of mocking the welfare and disability programs but who seem to overlook the many large subsidies paid to the large corporations and Massive Tax breaks given to the wealthy by your favorite party.
I read a warning to our governors from Secretary of State, at the National Governors Association winter meeting. In the subject of external influences. Pompeo said, “Chinese Communist party officials, too, are cultivating relationships with county school boards and local politicians..."
You can make fun all you want girl, but we're not going to stand for it in America. You seem to be on the wrong side of history.
What makes no sense to me is realizing how paranoid y'all were about commies in the 50s, but how you now support the Orange Wankmaggot and his love affair with Putin.
That is the last line from “The Communist Manifesto.”
These elite pukes have become so bold, they include their desires to Transform America into their acceptance speeches, and the ignorant RosyPalm Country-Folk call me paranoid. It was the Kenyan who was caught on the hot mic, blowing Putin a kiss. You Democrats repeat anything MSNBC tell you. Orange man isn't the threat.
A person from America, is an American
One from Africa, an African
Mexico, a Mexican
Kenya... well you see.
Kamala Harris, African American (she has dark skin tone), but she said half her family is from Jamaica. May I call her African, Jamaican, American, Jamaican American, Brown, Black, White, Cute, I don't know. What difference at this time does it matter?
Knock it off with calling people a racist. Childlike behavior. Grow up!
But these comments show how his brain works....adjusting his position to meet his agenda. Example:
Obama's father was Kenyan therefore Obama is Kenyan.
Obama's mother was white therefore he is white.
Hmmm, doesn't quite match up.
Most people get it and.... WE WILL TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY.
In May 2015 T said he would not cut programs on Social Security and Medicare. Fast Forward to Devos in Jan 2020: The tremendous growth in our Economy makes it easier to cut entitlement programs.
They're socialists. Ask them.
I'm in agreement with Wanda.
Mike Meyers
Walnutport, PA
The kids will vote us in to socialism. The adults will have to shoot our way out of communism, unless we allow the kids to first take away our arms.
Register and vote.
At the prayer breakfast last week trump mocked Jesus for his commandment to love enemies and it saddened me to realize his evangelical followers are following suit. This is a reminder.
Trump's not my Spiritual Leader. I don't care for the man as much as I care for his policies. You choose a letter from John to the the Church. I'm not convinced Trump truly is a member of that Church.
I hear reported that he is, but I've not heard him confess such.
I'm working out my own salvation, and in doing so, I don't bow down, nor worship any man, even the POTUS.
Thanks for reaching out. Point made.
Watch this video on how Quid Pro Quo is really done...
Don't concern over my salvation sir.
I was watching “Meet the Press,” and saw an interview with Tom Brokaw.
He spoke of Bernie Sanders a socialist winning 2020 election.
What Brokaw actually said is very telling...
“I think, Chuck (Chuck Todd), that frankly among younger voters that’s a possibility for him. But with a strong economy, it’s really hard to see how a lot of people will step up and say, ‘I’m for socialism. I want to change this because there are a lot of changes going on in our economy around the country.’ It’s more innovative than it’s been in my lifetime frankly. But very little of it has to do with socialism.”
Enough said.
The adults will show up come November.
Sadly, there will even be some adults who'll support moving America toward socialism, who ain't got the guts to move themselves, to socialism.
You want socialism? MOVE!
Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman a 1999 Iraq Infantry Officer (Purple Heart) and current Director of European Affairs (U.S. National Security) was escorted out of his 3rd Floor Office in the Eisenhower Executive Building by order of President Trump, an Authoritarian Coward, who purports to be an American.
Trump is an American, and he'll gladly show you a Birth Certificate if you ask.
Retaliation by Pres. Trump. Mr. Brennan had said earlier "I will speak out until integrity returns to the White House."
In response to Trump's action, Retired Navy Admiral William McGraven (Navy Seal) wrote a letter in the Washington Post dated August 16, 2018 for all to read. "Revoke my Security Clearance too."
The last 2 paragraphs: >"Your leadership, and actions have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and , worst of all, divided us a nation.
> "If you think for a moment that your McCarthy-era tactics will suppress the voices of criticism, you are sadly mistaken. The criticism will continue until you become the leader we prayed you would be."
His other quotes : "The Republic is being attacked from within."
At least you are no longer pretending that trump isn’t your god. Enjoy hell “Christian”
Judge much?
So, actually, Vindman claimed to have heard something in the phone conversation, that wasn't really there. He embellished (lied), but not to his superiors, rather to his buddy, the fake whistle blower.
If Vindman wanted to be the hero, fine, but report to your supervisor, not a leaker from the FBI
And for that, I'm condemned sayeth the Joe.
Like Rushbo says "There's a sucker born every minute."