Register now for Celtic Classic Irish Soda Bread Contest
Celtic Cultural Alliance announces an Irish soda bread contest sponsored by King Arthur at Celtic Classic on Sept. 29.
Amateur bakers should bring their favorite Irish soda bread to the Celtic Classic to be crowned the best. Contestants are asked to register before Sept. 7. Some spots will be reserved for walk ups. Contestants are asked to use King Arthur flour to receive the prizes. There is no fee to enter.
The soda bread will be scored based on taste, overall appearance, creativity and texture. The top three contestants will receive: first place, $30 gift certificate to the Baker’s Catalog, King Arthur Flour Baker’s Companion Cookbook, bread loaf pan, King Arthur flour sack towel and ribbon; second place, $30 gift certificate to the Baker’s Catalog, bread loaf pan, flour sack towel and ribbon; third place, King Arthur Flour Baker’s Companion Cookbook and ribbon.
For more information about the Irish soda bread contest, visit
Celtic Classic runs from Sept. 28-30 in downtown historic Bethlehem.
For more information, directions, volunteering opportunities and the weekend’s schedule, log on to