Reward offered for info in pit bull’s death in Schuylkill
Pottsville police in Schuylkill County are seeking the owner of a dog that was found dead about 3:15 p.m. on Sunday in the 800 block of North Second Street.
Police said a representative from the SPCA was notified by phone that the dog was lying off the road. Police met the representative at the scene.
Police said th dog was a brown and white female pit bull and had several visible wounds. It was abandoned near a wooded area. The dog was then transported for a post mortem examination.
Police and the SPCA are attempting to identify and locate the dog’s owner along with any other information associated with the incident.
A $1,000 reward is being offered for information leading to the identity.
Anyone with information is asked to call city police at 570-628-3792.