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Ross supervisors reorganize, clarify reinstated tax usage

Published January 09. 2019 12:47PM

Ross Township supervisors held their first meeting of 2019 on Monday evening.

During the reorganization process, Howard A Beers Jr. remained chairman; Tina Drake remained the vice chairman. David Shay is the other supervisor on the board.

Doris Price was reappointed secretary-treasurer. Ethan Brewer will continue to serve as road foreman.

Tim McManus will remain as solicitor, with Russ Kresge as engineer.

One piece of business left undone in 2018 was internet hookup to the former township building.

As of Monday, the supervisors will bridge the internet connection between the new and former building. This is specifically to aid the road crew. Their office and garage area are on the lower level of the former building.

“Now, the road foreman can email and order parts without going over to the new building to do so,” Drake said Tuesday afternoon.

Two residents addressed the supervisors with concerns.

Linda Zak was concerned that Blue Ridge Estate Winery and Vineyards did not have its certification of occupancy for its new building that was recently added for event space, Drake said.

“She knows the owners and loves the winery. We all want them to do well. It’s a great business for our community,” Drake said.

The supervisors said there is nothing they can do to obtain the certification of occupancy. The owner needs the stamped plans before he can proceed, Drake said.

Butch Kresge also addressed a Times News article that had incorrect information regarding the use of reinstated property taxes in December 2013.

“Just for the record, the reinstatement of property taxes was for a new firetruck and not for construction of the new township building,” she said. “All of this is recorded in township minutes.”

Minutes from Dec. 2, 2013, noted the use of the tax funds to fulfill the donation to Blue Ridge Hook and Ladder fire company for a fire truck.

Eight months later, in the Aug. 4, 2014, minutes, the township on behalf of Beers proposed to put out bids to construct a new township building, she said.

The article Kresge referred to inaccurately said the taxes paid for the new building.

The supervisors also presented a plaque to the Marine Corps Reserves for their years of service with the Toys for Tots program.

“They do a really nice job each year” collecting toys for needy children at Christmas, she said.

The supervisors meet on the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m.

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