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Ross Township hosts its 10th annual community day

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    Checkers Party Clown, better known as Rick Villoresi of Saylorsburg, makes a balloon dog for 2-year-old Tierney Fregans during Saturday’s Ross Township Community Day held in the park. Scan this photo with the Prindeo app to see a video of the Blue Ridge Hook & Ladder fire company giving rides in the basket with the ladder. STACI L. GOWER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS

Published September 10. 2018 11:11AM

For a few minutes Saturday afternoon, 6-year-old Emma Stenger soared above the Ross Township park, getting a bird’s-eye view.

“We are giving rides in the basket to show what we can do with our ladder truck in rescue situations,” said Kent Keglovitz, a Blue Ridge Hook & Ladder firefighter.

When firefighter John Beatty unhooked her harness and helped her out of the orange basket, she was smiling and told her family how fun it was. She couldn’t wait to get to the next activity.

The fire company was one of many township and county agencies that participated in the 10th Annual Ross Township Community Day.

“I love this. It’s so nice they do it for the people of the township,” said Nancy Wright, committee chairwoman for Boy Scout Troop 109 of Saylorsburg.

She and her son August were handing out pamphlets about the troop, which currently has nine members. They are seeking new members.

The event varies slightly from year to year, depending on which organizations want to volunteer their time. Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network, Ross Township Historical Society, Friends of Cherry Valley, Pocono Heritage Land Trust, Monroe County Sheriff, and West End Park and Open Space Commission were among the participants.

“It is nice for different community groups to come out and see what is going on with each other,” said David Shay, a Ross Township supervisor.

Shay, along with Supervisor Howard Beers and volunteers, were selling hot dogs, baked goods, popcorn and beverages to raise money for park improvements.

The township has about 5,400 residents, Shay said.

One of these residents is Checkers Party Clown, better known as Rick Villoresi of Saylorsburg. He’s been a clown for four years and a handyman since 2002.

“Working with the kids is my favorite part,” he said.

As a clown, he twists balloons into animals, does magic, face painting, games, and sells popcorn and cotton candy. As a handyman, he does basic home repairs, outdoor projects and landscaping.

While he made balloon animals and sold his snacks, his wife, Kathryn, was in the next tent over selling historical society memorabilia as its president. These included T-shirts, mugs, Frisbees and “The History of Saylorsburg, PA” written by LeRoy J. Rasely in the late 1990s.

“We are also looking for volunteers to help with our Historic Sites Tour on Oct. 13, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.,” she said.

The free event is a self-guided tour of five sites, with presentations and guest speakers at each location. The sites are Gower Cemetery, Lakeview/Altemose Cemetery, Ross Common, Lessig House and Moreton Property.

The Ross Township Park Committee had crafts and games for the kids. Bales of hay and scarecrows were the backdrop for bean bag toss, scavenger hunt and Frisbee games. Kids made dream catchers, bead jewelry and colored pumpkins.

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