Ross Township to re-advertise part-time secretary job
Ross Township supervisors could not come to an agreement Monday evening on who to hire for the part-time secretary and planning commission secretary job.
The part-time secretary will work two days a week in the office, for 7.5 hours a day at the rate of $13 per hour.
This person will also attend at the Planning Commission’s monthly meeting, held the third Tuesday at 7 p.m.
Vice Chairwoman Tina Drake said they interviewed three candidates. She voted in favor of one candidate, while Chairman Howard Beers Jr. voted for a different candidate. Supervisor David Shay voted against hiring a part-time secretary.
“Howard and I agree there’s a need for part-time township secretary. All three of us agree we need a planning commission secretary,” Drake said.
Shay does not think there is enough work for two days a week.
This person would assist Doris Price, who has been the full-time secretary for 22 years.
Price does not want to add planning commission tasks and its meeting to her workload.
Sharon Steen was the former part-time secretary. She recently retired after about a decade of working for the township.
As a temporary solution, a motion passed for Price to contact the two candidates Beers and Drake considered to see if either would want to fill in as the planning commission secretary for a $100 monthly stipend.
For more information about the job or how to apply, contact the township office at 570-992-4990 or
Other business
• Drake announced that the five-piece band Now Serving will perform at the Concert in the Park from 2 to 6 p.m. on Aug. 25. The band sings rock, oldies and country tunes. This event is free to the community. Hot dogs and beverages will be sold. The park address is 258 Anchorage Road, Saylorsburg.
• Due to Labor Day on Sept. 2, the monthly township supervisors meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Sept. 9.
• More vendors are needed for Ross Township Community Day, which will be Saturday, Sept. 7 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the township park.
• In response to the ongoing issue of dog waste bags being left behind in the park, supervisors will research the cost of purchasing two dog waste bag receptacles. Presently, people are supposed to take these bags home to dispose of. Only one dog owner attended the special meeting at 6:30 p.m. Monday to discuss solutions. A few months ago, one idea suggested was the formation of a group of dog owners who could police each other and make sure everyone took the waste bags home with them. No group was formed during this meeting.