Rush Township supervisors
Rush Township supervisors, on a 2-0 vote, with Supervisor Jeaninne Motroni absent, also approved the following action on Thursday:
• Ratified Change Order 1 in the amount of $13,933 for the Hometown Avenue Sewer Project, effective Nov. 21.
• Change Order 2 for an extension of the contract substantial completion to Feb. 15 for the Hometown Avenue Sewer Project.
• A resolution adopting sewer system rules and regulations.
• A resolution adopting small quantity escalation for the 2018 Road Reconstruction Project.
• Adopted the Emergency Operations Plan from the Emergency Management Agency, Schuylkill County.
• Friday’s garbage collection will be held on Dec. 30.
• The township office will be closed on Jan. 1 for the New Year’s holiday.
• The Jan. 1 garbage collection will be on Jan. 2, and the Jan. 5 garbage collection will be on Jan. 6.
• Agreed to hold its reorganization meeting at 7 p.m. Jan. 2, followed by the regular monthly meeting.
— Terry Ahner