Schools observe National Bully Prevention Month
October is National Bully Prevention Month and elementary age students in the Tamaqua Area School District spent this last week learning ways to spot and stop bullying.
The weeklong series of events was held at the Tamaqua Elementary and West Penn Elementary schools, ending with the students pledging not to be bullies and placing their handprints on school windows as a sign of their pledge. Other ways of promoting positive relationships during the week included Monday’s wearing of sunglasses in school to show students they are “Too bright to be bullies”; “be a buddy not a bully” on Tuesday, where students brought their favorite stuffed buddies to school; “put a cap on bullying” Wednesday when students could wear their silliest, craziest hat to school; and “work it out Thursday” when students were allowed to wear their gym clothes instead of uniforms.
Friday was also “blue out bullies” day, and students were treated to blue ice cream during lunch.