Schuylkill commissioners are preparing for winter
Say it isn’t so — the Schuylkill County Commissioners are preparing for that white stuff we don’t want to think about yet.
During a workshop meeting Wednesday, the commissioners authorized Public Works Director Paul Fetterolf to advertise for plowing and hauling of snow and ice, and salting and cindering, of county parking lots. Bids are due by Aug. 28, with tentative award date of Sept. 11.
The commissioners approved an agreement with Blinds to Show, the sole bidder for the courthouse window blind project. The company will be paid $26,943 to remove the existing 97 blinds and replace them. The existing blinds are located in the courtrooms and various chambers and meeting rooms in the courthouse.
Kass Contracting, Shenandoah, was awarded two contracts for demolition projects in Delano and Shenandoah, with the funds coming from Community Development Block Grant money. Kass will be paid $4,200 for demolition at 1 Beech St. in Delano, and $20,400 for demolition at 217-219 Willow St., Shenandoah.