Schuylkill commissioners open bids
Pottsville-based TKO Cleaning Services is lowest of three bidders for cleaning the Schuylkill County Human Services Building, located at 420 N. Centre St. The Schuylkill County Commissioners opened the bids Wednesday morning.
In December, the commissioners awarded TKO the contract for cleaning the courthouse. The contract begins Jan. 1, 2020, and runs through Dec. 31, 2021, at a cost of $69,200 for the first year and $70,400 for the second year. In December 2018, the commissioners approved a two-year cleaning contract to TKO to clean the 911 Communications Center Building, 435 N. Centre St., Pottsville, effective Jan. 1, 2019, through Dec. 31, 2020. The contract per year is $10,800. At that meeting the board also approved a contract with TKO for cleaning services at the Children & Youth Building, 324 N. Centre St., Pottsville, for the same time frame, for $25,200 per year.
TKO is the lowest of three bidders to clean the Human Services Building, bidding $20,400 for each year of a two-year contract. The other bidders were Just Right Cleaning, which bid $22,880 per year; and CMG Cleaning Services LLC, which bid $24,000 per year. The commissioners are expecting to award the bid during their next regular meeting.
Waste Management of Pennsylvania Inc., Lancaster, was the sole bidder for a three-year contract for disposal of solid waste from the courthouse, prison, Human Services building, Children & Youth building and Mahanoy Senior Center. The company bid $37,655, $38,784 and $39,948, for a total of $116,388. The bid may be awarded at a later date.
In other business
The commissioners:
• Executed an insurance placement and risk management services agreement with McGriff Insurance Services, beginning June 1, 2020, and ending May 31, 2021, with an annual consulting fee of $26,130.
• Authorized the submission of the 2020-21 Pennsylvania Counties Insurance Risk Pool application. Commissioner Frank Staudenmeier chairs the state board.