Schuylkill County boards reorganize
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Two Schuylkill County reorganization meetings may have set a record for brevity, with each entity deciding to keep things as they are — George Halcovage continuing as chairman of the commissioners and President Judge William E. Baldwin heading the prison board.
Commissioner Frank Staudenmeier made the motion to nominate Halcovage, quickly seconded by Commissioner Gary Hess. During the reorganization meeting, the board also adopted the Affirmative Action Plan for 2020, which outlines the county’s policy to eliminate and avoid discrimination against any employee or applicant because of race, color, religion, handicap, national origin, sex or age.
During the prison board meeting, Halcovage nominated Baldwin, seconded by Hess. Members of the prison board include Warden Eugene Berdanier, District Attorney Mike O’Pake, Sheriff Joseph Groody, Sheriff’s Chief Deputy Brian Tobin and the three county commissioners.