Schuylkill County Fair queen contest is open
Schuylkill County Fair is seeking viable candidates interesting in becoming the 2019 Schuylkill County Fair queen. That person must be at least 16 years of age and no older than 20. As well as a resident of Schuylkill County. If you are interested in agriculture and promoting better relations between youth and adults in both rural and urban settings, then you are who the fair is looking for.
The Schuylkill County Fair Royalty Program is a scholarship program dedicated to embracing the Schuylkill County Fair in both its history and its impact on the community. The royalty program strives to foster a greater understanding of agriculture, including learning where and how our food is produced, then focusing on assisting youth in gaining a greater understanding of agriculture.
On behalf of the Schuylkill County Fair Royalty Program, we would like to extend an invitation to all girls ages 7 to 20 to vie for the opportunity to achieve their dreams by entering to become part of the Schuylkill County Fair Royalty.
Visit the fair website at Check out the tab labeled “Events” and scroll down to “Fair Royalty” for more information and the application for Fair Queen. Applications are accepted through July 8. For questions, please email Jacki Hoffman at
Visit the Schuylkill County Fair July 29 through Aug. 3 where “Fairs Feature Agriculture.” Schuylkill County Fair has been featuring Agriculture for 36 years.
For more information about the entertainment and activities at the Schuylkill County Fair, go to or check out us on Facebook at