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Senior Games starting soon with a few changes

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    Victor Pituch, the man who started the senior games 30 years ago, gives a thumbs up at the opening ceremony. Pituch, at 89, is now a competitor in the games. Scan this photo with the Prindeo app to see a photo gallery of day one of action. AMY MILLER/TIMES NEWS

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    A pile of senior games medals. AMY MILLER/TIMES NEWS

Published March 28. 2019 01:07PM


There are a few new things happening for this year’s Carbon County Senior Games.

It’s time to dust off your bowling shoes, loosen up your throwing arms and get ready for eight days of fun with friends you may not have seen in nearly a year. There is also a new age category and a few location changes due to projects.

The 31st annual Carbon County Senior Games will be held April 30 through May 9. Last year, more than 200 county residents took part in the games.

Anne Horrigan, coordinator for the games, said that with some participants in the 85 and up category now hitting their 90s, her office decided to add another age group, 90 and up.

“The last few years, 90 somethings were competing against 85-year-olds,” she said. “This will even the playing field a little.”

In addition, one major change participants need to take note of is the location of the outdoor field events, normally taking place at Baer Memorial Field.

Horrigan said that due to the park being under construction during the games, the outdoor field events will take place at the old Lehighton High School field and the elementary school ground.

Registration for the games will open this week for all county residents ages 60 and older who want to meet new people, reminisce with old friends and compete to win a medal or two.

Registration forms can be picked up at any of the five county senior centers and Area Agency on Aging in Palmerton beginning this week.

Forms are due back in the senior center or aging office no later than April 19.

Teams include North Carbon County (Panther Valley, Jim Thorpe and Weatherly seniors) and South Carbon County (Palmerton and Lehighton).

Events include shuffleboard, cornhole toss, basketball shoot, darts, billiards, miniature golf, bowling, pingpong, a 1-mile walk, softball throw, horseshoes, boccie, bingo, pinochle, rummy and dancing.

The annual banquet, held at the conclusion of the games, will be at Whispering Pines, Route 903, in Jim Thorpe.


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