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Slatington seeks grant for road work

Published November 14. 2019 12:19PM

The Slatington Borough Council decided Monday night to submit a Multimodal Grant to the state Department of Environmental Protection in hopes they can secure funds to cover resurfacing Shadow Oaks Lane.

Council President Daniel Stevens said once the water line work is finished on Shadow Oaks Lane, then the road is going to need to be resurfaced.

“We’re just about finished on the water line,” he said.

The borough expects the resurfacing project to cost more than $204,000.

Stevens said it will take several months for the borough to find out if they will receive any grant money, but he hopes the work can begin next spring or summer. The scale of the roadway work will depend on the amount of the grant award.

In other business

• The council approved the purchase of two new computers for the borough office at a cost of $700 each. They also agreed to advertise the posting for upcoming civil service testing for entry-level police officer positions. Stevens said the test is being offered by the Lehigh County Chiefs Association Testing Consortium. The borough joined the consortium this fall in an effort to obtain a larger pool of officer candidates.

• Purchase of a new engine for the Sewer Department’s pickup. The cost is $5,828.52.

• Purchase of Autocon and Roberts control panels for the sewer plant. The estimated cost is $1,295 and was provided by Barry J. Hoffman Co. Inc., an electrical contractor.

• The council also decided to reinvest $100,000 of funds invested in certificates of deposit and to add an additional $200,000 in funds being invested into CDs. This keeps the funds liquid in case it is needed for the borough’s Water or Sewer Department.

• The borough discussed its annual donation to the Northern Valley Ambulance. Stevens said the borough currently gives them a donation of $10,000 each year and provides a station rent free.

• And the borough approved a $5,000 donation to the Slatington Public Library.

• There will be an electronic recycling event from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday at the borough garage, 550 W. Church St. Proof of residency is required. The first item is free, and a variety of items can be accepted. There is a charge for additional items. Be prepared to pay with cash or a check made payable to Responsible Recycling Services. For a full list of items that can be recycled and costs, go to the borough website at

• The Greater Northern Lehigh Chamber of Commerce annual tree lighting ceremony is scheduled to take place from 5 to 8 p.m. on Dec. 6 at Slatington Memorial Park, 509 Main St. Donations of unwrapped, new toys will be accepted for the Toys for Tots Program.

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