State police at Frackville
Dennis Antonelli, 38, of Sheppton, was committed to the Schuylkill County Prison, Pottsville, after his arraignment on Wednesday on assault charges.
State police at the Frackville barracks said he was charged with simple assault and harassment and arraigned before Magisterial District Justice David Plachko of Port Carbon, who set bail at $25,000 at 10 percent.
Police said the charges relate to an incident at 9:58 p.m. that day on West Brandon Street in East Union Township. The victim is a 41-year-old woman from Sheppton.
It is alleged the couple became involved in a verbal argument over a cellphone, after which time the incident turned physical when Antonelli grabbed the woman by the throat and pushed her onto the sofa, holding her down by the arms so she could not move and causing bruising to the neck and arms.
State police also reported they were called to an incident on Wednesday in Lost Creek when a verbal argument between two brothers escalated into a physical confrontation.
Police said John Pritula, 37, was cited after striking his brother.