Tamaqua Area High School Class of 1955 reunites
The Tamaqua High School Class of 1955 held a 64th anniversary picnic at Miller’s Grove in West Penn Township on Sept. 14 with 18 class members and seven guests in attendance. A silent prayer was held in memory of nine deceased classmates. Plans were begun for the 65-year reunion to be held in 2020. Seated from left: Sandra Ike, Ruth (Dunn) Gerber, Jane (Billman) Stahler, Gloria (Hower) Rimm, Mary (Bensinger) Bridygham, John “Jack” Oakes. Second row: SaraJane (Heilner) Bensinger, Nancy (Arndt) Miller, Edward Savitsky, Dianne (Sherry) Savitsky and Marcella (Mazur) Huber. Third row: Durbin Wagner, Edwin Miller, Franklin Nace, Paul Hafer, Arnold Miller and Robert “Bobby” Breiner. Missing from the photo is Janice (Burcin) Koch. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO