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Tamaqua Council honors wrestler

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    David Mace, Tamaqua Borough Council president, presents Tamaqua High School wrestler Bronson Strouse with a certificate of appreciation for his District XI championship. LIZ PINKEY/TIMES NEWS

Published March 23. 2019 06:43AM

Tamaqua Borough Council recognized the accomplishments of Tamaqua High School wrestler Bronson Strouse, who recently earned the PIAA District XI Class AA heavyweight championship, and participated in the state wrestling tournament.

Strouse was presented with a certificate for his accomplishments by council President David Mace.

In other business, council accepted the resignation of part-time patrolman Charles Blesse.

Blesse has been accepted into the Pennsylvania State Police Academy and regretfully submitted his resignation, thanking council and the Tamaqua Police Department for the experience they have provided him since 2012.

Council accepted the resignation due to the retirement of Earl Edmondson from the position of chief mechanic.

Edmondson’s last day of work was March 20. Council thanked him for his many years of service.

A request from the American Legion, C.H. Berry Post 173, to hold Tamaqua’s annual Memorial Day parade on May 27 was approved. The parade will begin at 10 a.m.

Council approved a request from the American Cancer Society to “paint the town purple” from April 29 through May 12. Residents and organizations are asked to decorate their properties with purple ribbons, lighting and other information about the Relay for Life, which will be held on May 11 at the Tamaqua High School Stadium.

The American Cancer Society also asked for permission to place purple flags on the parking meters throughout the town.

Borough Manager Kevin Steigerwalt said one bid has been received for the proposed renovations for the public bathrooms at the borough building. The bid, in the amount of $35,565, was received from Ondra Huyett and Associates of Allentown. It will need to be approved by the county commissioners as part of the CDBG program.

Council approved a proposal from David Christ of Tamaqua to inspect and certify the borough parking meters at a cost of $350. The meters must be inspected every five years.

Code enforcement officer Josh Esposito was approved to attend a rental property inspection management program training at a cost of $135.

Ann Marie Calabrese, the director of community development, was approved to attend a writing effective grant proposal training, at a cost of $100.

It was noted that due to changes in the end of school year calendar, the dates for the opening of the Howard D. Buehler Memorial pool will have to be altered slightly. Those changes will be finalized when the school schedule is finalized.

Council hired Ryan Poldnurk as a part-time police officer.

Council hired Alison Tonkin as a part-time utility clerk at a rate of $15 per hour, not to exceed 30 hours per week.

Council adopted a resolution to authorize the filing of an application for a 2019 Keystone Grant for building renovations at the Tamaqua Public Library, including a new roof.

Mayor Nathan Gerace advised council that the Tamaqua Police Department now has a Facebook page and it will be used to keep the community updated on police activities.

Gerace reminded everyone to continue to call 911 in the event of an emergency.

Gerace also said the department will be holding a station and vehicle tour for kids from 6 to 7 p.m. on Tuesday. The event will also feature a sundae party.

Gerace asked residents and local businesses to consider donating funds to replace the benches that are located throughout the downtown.

The original benches were placed by advertising companies, but they have deteriorated over the years, and people have become accustomed to sitting on them.

He is hoping to fund the replacement benches through donations from the public. He believes they will cost between $200 to $400 each.

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