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Tamaqua faces large contributions to pensions

Published September 21. 2018 12:48PM

The minimum municipal obligations to the uniformed and nonuniformed pension funds are going to hit Tamaqua borough in the pocketbook again.

At Tuesday’s regular council meeting, borough Treasurer Georgia Depos Dewire presented council with the anticipated obligations for 2019, which includes $326,659 for the police pension fund and $134,864 for the nonuniformed fund.

“This will require state aid, or the borough’s contribution,” said Depos DeWire.

Last year the state aid contribution was in the neighborhood of $192,000, which, if that is received again, will still leave the borough with a hefty balance to contribute.

In other business, council received a request from Mark Leiby to transfer to the open position in the water department. The request was approved and it was noted there is now an opening in the street department that will be advertised.

Borough Manager Kevin Steigerwalt said the borough is reaching the end of the project to codify the borough’s ordinances. He has received a written and electronic copy of the borough’s ordinances, and although there are still a few outstanding questions, council President David Mace said they are minor and the borough hopes to complete the project soon. Copies of the code are available at the municipal building for public viewing.

Steigerwalt also announced he has received the updated flood plain maps from FEMA. He also attended a community meeting in Schuylkill Haven about the proposed changes. He said 38 properties in the Tamaqua area have been added to the flood plain, while approximately 353 properties have been taken out of it.

He encouraged residents to check on the FEMA website to see if their property is affected by the changes, as it can result in additional insurance requirements for properties that are within the flood plain. The website is and locations can be searched by street address.

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