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Tamaqua Halloween Parade lineup

Published October 20. 2017 10:16PM

Tamaqua’s annual Halloween Parade will be held on Tuesday. The line of march will begin at 7 p.m. Staging will be in the 900 block of East Broad Street and the former Jamesway parking lot. Participants should be in place no later than 6:30 p.m.

Line up for the four-division parade will be:

Division one

Tamaqua Police and Mayor Chris Morrison, Tamaqua American Legion Post No. 173 Color Guard, Grand Marshal Lee Shafer, Tamaqua Citizen of the Year Paul Dodson, Leiby’s Carriage Service, Tamaqua aerial truck, Citizens Fire Company, American Hose Fire Company, South Ward Fire Company, East End Fire Company, West Penn Cub Scout Pack 756, West Penn Girl Scouts, Clamtown Boy Scout Troop 755, Panther Valley Knee Hi Football and Cheerleaders, Tamaqua Animal Rescue, Cub Scout Pack 777, Lehigh Carbon Community College, Tamaqua Fire Police Association, the Dance Factory, Tamaqua BPW, Boyers Food Market, Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs, Nathan J Garace for Mayor, Lewistown Iron Huskers MC, Robert Buck’s 1929 Mercedes.

Division two

Tamaqua High School Raider Band, Tamaqua High School Homecoming Court, TAYSA 5th and 6th grade (Walker), Tamaqua Knee High Football players, Tamaqua Knee High cheerleaders, TAYSA U-6 (Kattner), TAYSA U-8 (Polakovic) Conley limo, TAYSA Third grade girls and boys (Najarro), TAYSA Fourth grade (Gormley), TAYSA Tommy’s Hoagie Shop (Wakefield), Panther Valley Soccer Association (Taschler), TAYSA U8 Soccer (Connor), Tamaqua Area Community Theater, Eclectic Circus’ Day of the Dead, Pennsylvania Miss Amazing.

Division three

Marian High School Marching Band, Marian High School Homecoming Court, Coaldale American Legion Post 170, On the Grind Association, Freddy’s Pub Rockin Halloween, Highwood USA, Tamaqua Salvation Army, EGW Wrestling, Emergency Disaster Service, WMGH/WLSH, Great Clips, Tamaqua Odd Fellows-Rebekahs- Patriarchs, Aunt G’s Pastries, Tamaqua Elks, Valley Athletic Supply, Dream Maker Studios, USA Martial Arts, All American Auto Group, UTC Cargo Group, Kovatch Motor Enterprises;

Division four

Hope’s Towing and Collision, Nothstein Auto Repair, Hometown Fire Company, Coaldale Fire Company, Ryan Township Rescue, West Penn Fire Company No. 1, Tuscarora Fire Company 1949 REO, Penn Mahoning Ambulance Association, Quakake Fire Company.

Rain date will be Wednesday.

Next year pleeease plan for thru traffic for those who had no idea the parade was going on. The backlog on side streets was unbearable and people were livid, blinding one another with headlights, calling names and honking horns because there was no way around the parade. Organizers did not provide any alternate traffic route around 209 or any detour signs to help unfamiliar travelers during this parade which took place in total darkness. 209 was open on the west end and closed on the east??? Why allow people to drive right into parade traffic with no way out? And children sitting in the dark right on the side of the street and vendors walking in the middle of the road. This was dangerous! Unbelievably disorganized and poorly planned on this aspect. Whoever is responsible HAS to be more careful next year.

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