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Tamaqua news — Sept. 19, 2019

Published September 19. 2019 01:34PM

Andreas VFW

VFW Post 5069 of Andreas will hold a dance at the Andreas Sporting Club on Sept. 28 from 7 to 10 p.m. Music will be provided by the Cramer Brothers.

For more information, call 570-386-5525.

Zion Lewistown

Pastor Jim Williams will officiate at the 10:30 a.m. service this Sunday at Zion Church Lewistown Valley.Sunday school is scheduled for 9:15 a.m.

The Women’s Prayer Study meets every Monday at 6 p.m. The Guild meets on Oct. 3 at 6:30 p.m. The turkey and waffle dinner is scheduled for Oct. 5.

Democratic Club

The Eastern Schuylkill Democratic Club will meet on Monday at 7 p.m. at the Elks Lodge, Tamaqua, following the open house of the office for Democratic Candidates.

For more information or volunteer opportunities, call 570-668-6771.

Garden Club

The August meeting was held Aug. 27 with a program by Steve Daderko, Master Gardener, regarding Sustainable Landscaping.

New club officers were announced: president, Mary Bridgyham; vice president, Carol Kohn; secretary, Louise Flexer; treasurer, Evelyn Adams; assistant secretary, Georgene Gallagher; chaplain, Linda Leiby; sergeant-at-arms, Kathy McGee; historian, Ann Fedor.

Arrangements were judged which were to be gladiolus in lime green container with first place winner being Mary Bridgyham; second place Marie Barth.

Specimens of choice were judged with the winners as first place Mary Bridgyham for a marigold; second place Marie Barth for a zinnia, and third place for a hibiscus by Carol Kohn.

In place of the September meeting the group will hold its Fall Tea on Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in Zion Church Hall, Lewistown Valley. The program for the evening will be presented by Porvaznik’s Flowers.

For more information on this or club membership, call Louise Flexer at 570-467-3400.

Bus Trip

A bus trip for OctoberFEAST in Peddler’s Village at the German Food, Wine & Spirits Garden will take place on Oct. 12. Leaves Tamaqua from St. Luke’s parking lot, Railroad Street.

Limited seats available, call 570-668-3264.

Sponsored by Beta Sigma Phi Sorority. Proceeds benefit local charities.

Cancer Benefit

All you can eat spaghetti dinner will be held at Zion Stone Church, West Penn Township on Saturday from 3 to 7 p.m. There will also be a basket raffle and baked goods for purchase.

Proceeds will benefit Wanda (Neifert) Johannides, who is battling cancer.

Tamaqua Seniors

The Tamaqua Senior Citizens met Sept. 12 at the West Penn Rod and Gun Club, Clamtown with 52 members in attendance for their annual summer picnic.

President Melody Weicker opened the event with the Lord’s Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.

The group is open to anyone 55 or older, meeting every Thursday at 1 p.m. at the YMCA.

Calvary Lewistown

The Rev. Susan Moore will officiate at the 10:25 a.m. service this Sunday in Calvary Evangelical Methodist Church in the Lewistown Valley. Sunday school classes are held at 9:15 a.m. Evening praise and Bible study at 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday prayer service at 7 p.m. Oct. 13 will be Sunday school Rally Day with a special musical presentation at 6:30 p.m. by Piercing Word of Lancaster.

Tamaqua Library

Tuesday at 10 a.m. begins Tamaqua Library’s eight week Fall STREAM program for children, ages 0 to 5.

The program is also presented on a Wednesday, at 10 a.m., duplicating the Tuesday program for that week. Please call the library to register the library at 570-668-4660.

Ten Cent Sale: All items in the library’s book sale are priced at 10 cents each, to move inventory. The sale concludes at 8 p.m. on Monday.

The library is also hosting a beef/chicken platter sale/bake sale from 4 to 6 p.m. on Oct. 3 at the library.

Platters include beef or stuffed chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, coleslaw, roll & butter. Tickets can be purchased at the library or from any board member. Advanced ticket sales only.

There will also be a bake sale at the time of platter pickup.

Bethany EC

The Rev. Kevin Roberts will officiate at the 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m., and 11 a.m. Sunday services this week in Bethany Evangelical Congregational Church. Life groups will meet at 9:30 a.m. Corn maze, for all ages, from 2 to 3 p.m. at Foothill Farm, Lehighton.

Activities for the next week include: Monday, 5:30 p.m. Women’s Step Study; 6:30 p.m. Celebrate Recovery: Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. TYM Remix; 8 p.m. Worship practice; 8:45 p.m. Music and Worship Commission Meeting: Sept. 28, 8:30 a.m. NAMM Breakfast.

St. Johns Lutheran

The Rev. Phyllis Wolford presides at the Sunday Morning Worship at St. John’s Lutheran Church at 9:15 a.m. Sunday school and Confirmation 10:30 a.m. Sept. 26, Angel Choir, 6 p.m., Shepherd Choir, 6:30 p.m. Sept. 29, Bell Choir Practice 8 a.m.

Regular office hours are Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Contact Susan Eckhart at 570-668-1250 or

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