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Tamaqua news for Feb. 20, 2020

Published February 20. 2020 12:25PM

Rush-Ryan Seniors

The Rush-Ryan-Delano Senior Citizens met Feb. 11 at Christ Church, Barnesville with 52 members in attendance. President Robert Neifert opened the meeting with the reading “Just Give Me Love.”

Lois Millet, Rose Vallee, Jayne McLaughlin, Doris Year and Bonnie Kotchmar were all added to the sick list. A moment of silence was held in memory of Anna Mae Yushinsky. Warm welcomes were extended to returning members Kim Usalis, Betty Bablo, Grace Sakusky, Melody Weicker and Madelene Heffelfinger.

Celebrations for February included birthdays for Eleanor Schmerfeld, Norma Lee Burke, Edith Varano, Nancy Nunemacher and Tillie Kachmar and the 51st wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Godenis.

An outing is planned to Penn’s Peak in September for dinner and show by Tom Jones.

The group is open to anyone 55 or older, meeting at 1 p.m. at Christ Church, Barnesville on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month. The next meeting will be on Feb. 25.

Bus trip

Visit a Wildflower Preserve, have lunch in New Hope, spend the afternoon on a second walk or browse and shop on May 7, when the South Schuylkill Garden Club and PSU Master Gardeners co-sponsor a bus to Bucks County. The morning guided tour of Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve will awaken your senses, walking among late-spring blooming native (over 700 species) flowers, shrubs, trees and meadows. Bowman’s does have a handicap accessible tour. Wear comfortable shoes.

Lunch is not provided; however, 1½ hour is allotted to explore, shop and/or dine in New Hope, known for his exquisite restaurants. After lunch, walkers can pay $5 to self-tour part of 32 acres at Paxson Hill which has gardens labeled as shade, pond, Temple, “never, never land,” etc. The alternative is browse or shop the nursery greenhouses selling annuals, perennials, and all-natural, itch-free yarn made from sheep, Alpaca and Angora Goats — all part of Paxson Hill.

The bus departs Giant in Cressona at 7:15 a.m. and returns at 6:30 p.m. Cost is $60. Checks are payable to South Schuylkill Garden Club and mailed to Carol Haldeman at 105 Beuchler Lane in Pine Grove, 17963. April 7 is the registration deadline. This is a rain or shine event. No refunds — find a substitute. Additional info at 570-345-2423 or 570-640-7511.

Zion Lutheran

Tamaqua area families are invited to a free family film night at Zion Lutheran Church on March 7 beginning at 6:30 p.m. “Aladdin” will be shown and popcorn and other snacks will be provided. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. Zion Lutheran is located at the corner of Mauch Chunk and Greenwood streets in Tamaqua.

For more information about the film night, check out the Zion Facebook page or website at

Tamaqua Chamber

The Tamaqua Area Chamber of Commerce is now accepting nominations for this year’s Business Person of the Year and the Joseph M. Plasko Citizenship Awards.

Nomination forms can be found at, or at the chamber office, which is open weekdays 9 a.m.-1 p.m. All nominations should be sent to

St. John Lutheran

The Rev. Phyllis Wolford will officiate at the 9:15 a.m. Sunday service in St. John’s Lutheran Church with Holy Communion. Sunday school and confirmation classes are held at 10:30 a.m.

Activities for the next week include Feb. 26, Ash Wednesday/Imposition of Ashes at 7 p.m., the chancel choir will meet following the service; Feb. 27 angel choir at 6 p.m., shepherd choir at 6:30 p.m.; Feb. 29, craft and vendor, homemade soup and bake sale, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.; March 1, bell practice at 8 a.m.

Zion Stone Church

Zion’s Stone Sunday school is sponsoring a Winter Fellowship on Sunday at 10:15 a.m. (after the 9 a.m. service). Please come out and join our congregation for some friendship and coffee.

The season of Lent begins a season of reflection, repentance and renewal with an Ash Wednesday service on Feb. 26 at 7:30 p.m.

The youth group will be meeting on March 1 to visit the shut-ins. Please plan to meet at the church at 1:30 p.m.

A special note: Our Worship and Music Committee has been going through our music library and we have a number of choral pieces that we would like to offer to anyone who can use them. Please call the church office at 570-386-5111 and leave a message.

Trinity Church

Trinity United Church of Christ, 22 Lafayette St., will hold a fish bake every Friday in Lent beginning on Feb. 28. Takeouts are available by calling 570-668-4630. Offerings include baked haddock, deviled crabcakes, cod fish cake or baked chicken, stewed tomatoes, baked potato, coleslaw, macaroni and cheese, dessert and beverage. Dinners will run from 4 to 6:30 p.m.

There will also be a buffet-style pork and sauerkraut dinner on Feb. 23 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Again, takeouts are available.

To submit information for this column, contact Susan Eckhart at 570-668-1250 or Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or

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