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Tamaqua news for Oct. 10

Published October 09. 2019 12:19PM

Primitive Methodist

Pastor Rick Clemson will officiate at the 10:45 a.m. worship service this Sunday in American Primitive Methodist Church. Sunday school classes are held at 9:30 a.m.

Trustee board meeting will be held at 7 p.m. today. Hope in the Mountains meetings are held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Thursdays. This is a Nar-Anon Family Group. For more information, call 570-952-5098. Bible study on the book of Revelation will continue at 6 p.m. on Oct. 15 in the main Sunday school room of the church.

Blessing of the Animals

Zion Lutheran Church, located at Mauch Chunk and Greenwood streets in Tamaqua, will hold a Blessing of the Animals service on Saturday.

Area animal owners are invited to bring their pets beginning at 5:30 p.m.

The special blessing service honors St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals and the environment. Many churches offer animal blessing services, usually held on or around Oct. 4, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.

Pets may include dogs, cats, fish and birds. Some people choose to bring photos of their pets if it is difficult for their pets to attend the blessing. The service takes place indoors, so pet owners are asked to have their animal friends secured.

The service will be webcast on Zion’s website,, and its Facebook page.

Calvary Lewistown

This Sunday, Calvary Evangelical Methodist Church in the Lewistown Valley will hold its annual Sunday school rally day at 10:25 a.m. There will be singing, puppets, readings and the Calvary band. Piercing Word of Lancaster will present “Sermon on the Mount” the musical at 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Refreshments will follow the performance.

Oct. 16 at 7 p.m., prayer service.

Calvary would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused by the incorrect information about the Blessing of the animals service this previous weekend.

Blood Drive

The American Red Cross is holding a blood drive from 1-6 p.m. on Oct. 16 at the Tamaqua YMCA.

Anyone 17 or older who weighs at least 110 pounds and is in general good health is eligible to donate blood.

Walk-ins are welcome or you can schedule an appointment by calling 800-733-2767 or going to and enter YMCATamaqua to schedule an appointment.

Contact Susan Eckhart at 570-668-1250 or Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or

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